Current events

Revision as of 00:28, 25 March 2007 by Edmiao (Talk | contribs)

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This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.

1/26/07......WHFRP..........Jason's (heather is post call, so my place is out)
2/2/07.......Jin Dynasty......Ben's
2/9/07.......Jin Dynasty......Gabe's Bungalow
2/16/07......Jin Dynasty.........Jason's
2/23/07......Nephron One Shot..........ben's
3/2/07.......Toonball and random shit......Ben's
3/9/07.......Jin Dynasty......Gabe's Bungalow
3/16/07......Jin Dynasty......Gabe's house of gaming
3/23/07......Jin Dynasty......Matt's House of Tyranny
4/6/07.......Ben requests to run Gemini one-shot since ben's sister will be in town...?????

Attendance and Food preference


--Edmiao 17:42, 23 March 2007 (MST) Quoth Jason via email inquiry: "I am 85% sure Ill be ready for next week. If Im not ready, Im 75% sure we can play anyway. For the record, it will be a Viho prequel then a mock combat or two with actual characters, so everyone should have their guys ready in a preliminary form."

--Edmiao 22:28, 24 March 2007 (MST) Jason, can we get a 100% verdict for this friday? I'm eager to unveil my native american dreadnaught drivin' hobbit super-scientist!

Other random comments to the group

--Edmiao 23:23, 22 March 2007 (MST) I think we should not vote on games in the future. I think we should have a GM rotation and the next GM who is up should pitch one or more ideas in vague generalities to the group and folks can give a thumbs up or down. Like I pitched a short asian themed martial arts game and folks said "ok". Jason pitched exemplars and everyone said "ok".

--BenofZongo 00:40, 23 March 2007 (MST)I think that's a good idea.

The Next Step in Exemplars

The Next Step in Vague Space Opera