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Hyperdyne, Inc. Announced today that early testing would soon begin on their new "warp" drive. "It's completely revolutionary" says Hyberdyne public relations VP Mike Vilpers. "Utilizing K-technologies derived from jump drives, Warp drives permit "bending" of the laws of relativity, if you will. These engines will enable us to overcome the speed limit of light, so that the great distances of the Gemini will soon be nothing more than a minor inconvenience." While such rosy predictions may be realized sooner than many had anticipated, for now Hyperdyne will content itself with breaking the notorious speed record of the "Tangerine Dream". The Speed Trial of the prototype spacecraft is set for two weeks from today, 10:00 AM standard time.

Another series of riots and acts of "terrorism" have broken out on Troy today, with the section known as "the termite mound" completely in the insurgents control. As is Aenean policy, numbers of injured and killed on either side have not been officially disclosed, but sources inside Troy tell us that at least 20 Aenean military police have been either injured or killed, and up to 200 civilians. The termite mound, so named both because of it's numerous tunnels and because of it's distinct shape, is situated close to Core, Inc's Spire, the only privately held mining facility on Troy. Core's Trojan expert, Richard Wang, was quoted as saying that "Core is in no way concerned for the safety of its operations: we have full confidence in the ability of the Aeneans to contain the incident, and even if they should fail, we have, as you well know, five full units of lycurgans along with our own considerable defense force deployed keeping the spire safe. Honestly, I still sleep more soundly on Troy than I ever did on Menelaus."