Talk:Our Loot

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--BenofZongo 21:31, 8 April 2007 (MST)Remember that Salo indicated that her character installed security systems on the ship, quite good, albeit unorthodoxt ones, so you should spend some $$$ on that.

--Gdaze 14:02, 10 April 2007 (MST) Can we just make changes to loot if we want? Like any of us?

--Edmiao 16:37, 10 April 2007 (MST) The group bought stuff last time. I think expensive purchases should be approved by the group, but any this or that I would say go for it, we have a lot of cashola left. I suspect we can buy whatever before gametime friday. Ben said that in gametime, we can spend a storytelling point to "have bought" stuff with the cashola left.

--BenofZongo 17:07, 10 April 2007 (MST)I'd suggest you talk a little bit about what might be useful: once we start on Friday, the money that's spent is spent. Group loot should not equal a cash reserve: it's useful items that your group has acquired. With that in mind, I'd like to point out that your group has spent somewhere between 25-30% of it's ship loot in body armor. Also, I should point out that the loot list I put together is a far cry from comprehensive: I started work on it, but I haven't had time to work it over to include everything, nor do I plan to as long as the group is doing lots of different activities. If you want a certain kind of equipment, you should post or send me an email asking me about the necessary equipment for x activity, and I'll tell you what that stuff might be or how much it would cost. If you don't ask, don't expect that the stuff on the list I made will be "sufficient" for any activity you might come up with (for instance, an archeological kit includes things like carbon dating, baggies/mini-archeo chambers, forceps, microscopes, and various chemicals, but it doesn't include drills, tents, large tables, chairs, front loaders, etc. I will not entertain the "well, my character has a +whatever in that skill, I would have known that we need that kind of stuff" as an argument once you are in the thick of a dig/rescue op/smuggling run/whatever (at least not without the expenditure of storytelling). If you think your character would know, ask about it beforehand.

--Matts 21:23, 10 April 2007 (MST)What's the neccesary equipment for piloting?

For Piloting: A ship, two hands and two feet, or, barring those, a neural processor and interface plugs (Equipment +1).

For navigation: neural processor/interface plugs in the case of your ship.

Both of these professions might like to have space suits (although almost nobody wears them when doing these jobs...), since they can't exactly scramble for one if the hull is breached or the oxygen cyclers get blown away. In the case of the pilot, a space suit with low encumberance would be excellent, since EV will subtract from his piloting ability.

--Gdaze 23:34, 10 April 2007 (MST) Do we have to be that specific? Could we purchase like "General engine repair kit" or something like that? I just think if we get into specifics about every piece of equipment it could cause a lot of stress.

--BenofZongo 00:21, 11 April 2007 (MST)For the most part, yes: that's why I made an archeology kit, etc. You can get a "repair kit" as well, and how good it is is represented by how much it adds to repair rolls. But an archeology kit doesn't include mining equipment, for instance, so if you have to dig a big hole to get at ruins, an archeology kit isn't going to cut it. I don't need you to describe to me every piece of equipment you want, but I'm also not going to just hand you every piece of equipment that you want when you want it just because you bough "general field kit A, B, and C". If you've considered what you might need, it's fair to say that you'll have all the bells and whistles for the eventualities discussed. So your general repair kit that you mentioned would include all basic tools, but it probably wouldn't include stuff like spare parts. Bottom line: I don't need an itemized list, but the onus is on players to think about shit they might need.

--Matts 10:28, 11 April 2007 (MST)But we have near no idea what might be required most of the time. Archeo artifacts might be in space hulks, needing welding equipment, or they might be underground, needing digging equipment, or they might be in zeppelins in a gas giant, or they might be in Gabe's mom. We can think about this shit all day long and come up with a million things we need; what if our guesses don't match your specific ideas of what we'll need? What happens if we screw the pooch in terms of our gear, we have no money left, and equipment that won't help us?

--BenofZongo 11:09, 11 April 2007 (MST)First off, I have no specific ideas about what you'll need. I do have specific ideas about the level of planning that goes into a given activity. I've been on an archeological dig, and it's not something where you just pack the car and drive out to ye olde archeological site, drag precious artifacts out of the dust, and go home with your lootz. Also, like I said, I'm not suggesting you get the specific gear for every possible mission, just that it might be worth considering what kind of general gear you might have use for. Apparently, it was foolish of me to bring this up, since I guess that's what you guys did when you made the loot list in the first place. The reason I'm not allowing you to keep, say, 300000 credits in the bank is because I think the wheeling and dealing that will be involved in getting stuff you want in game will be more interesting than having everything come out of an expense account.
Anyways, I'm sorry I brought it up. You are correct, you can't possibly anticipate gear that you will need, so I guess just spend it on whatever you think is cool.