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Dio's mother was arguably one of the most talented Glasswalkers seattle has ever seen. She was a master of all types of technology, and seamlessly integrated new specialties as they emerged: she was always at the cutting edge and always worked to make sure the garou of Seattle had the best available tech at their disposal. She was so effective, in fact, that unknown enemies of the garou or the glasswalkers assassinated her about three years ago. Dio was already inheriting her role in the garou community when he was learning to walk. His toys as a kid were wrenches, nuts, and bolts, or computer scraps. By age ten he'd disassembled and reassembled an engine from scratch, and built large parts of the computer network at the caern (if there is one). As such, once he hit his teens, Dio was involved full scale in the maintenance of the caern/sept. Although he was in the dark about werewolves when he was young, his mother was very practically minded, and by the time of his first change he was already aware that mom and her friends/employers were, for the most part "different". Dio was raised by the sept and its kinfolk, in large part, and he has lived his entire life immersed in werewolf society. THis is not to say that he is out of touch with the world: unlike his mother, Dio's true love has always been action and activity. During his free time, Dio is always out and about, exploring, experiencing, and getting his knowledge with a very hands on approach. as a young teenager, Dio started going out a lot with sept members, much to his mother's chagrin. He also began teaching himself how to use computers beyond just servicing them, and to teach himself how to drive ("test drives" of vehicles he was supposed to fix).