Current events

Revision as of 16:04, 3 June 2008 by (Talk)

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This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.

Schedule attendance)
6/06/08......WFRP..........BnD............... Dieter not home until 7pm, Gabe absent, sorry guys, Brandon absent or late
6/13/08......W-Wolf..........BnD............... Brandon gone
6/20/08......WFRP............BnD............... Brandon still gone
6/27/08......Supers/WFRP depending on 5/23............BnD...............
8/01/08......?????...........BnD...............Ben gone
8/08/08......?????...........BnD...............Ben gone
8/15/08......?????...........BnD...............Ben STILL gone
8/29/08......?????...........BnD...............Last session at BnD (BEN: not the last session at the location, but rather the last session with that location identifying itself as BnD, at which time it will revert to its Ur-identity (see "Address" bar, on your screen, above). To be less, as both Ed and I described it, verbose, Dieter is moving in with some friends of his at the end of August. Thank you) (DIETER: Awwww.... I was hoping for a few eruptions of confusion and fear before clearing it all up. Spoilsport).
BEN "spoilsport": sorry. I thought you might be, but then I decided that clearing up fear and confusion on the wiki would take up like 5 pages of text.

Attendance and Food Preference


--Dieter the Bold 11:24, 2 June 2008 (MST) Present. Pizza please.

--Brandon 20:47, 2 June 2008 (MST) If there will be Werewolfing on Friday, I will do my best to be there as early as I can, but probably won't be able to be there any earlier than 9:30 or 10. If there is no Werewolfing, I will not come by, 'cause I have to get up early Saturday. Regardless, no pizza for me. Oh, and if god exists, he still loves you.

--Gdaze 21:14, 2 June 2008 (MST) Okay, actually Friday night Noelle WILL be spending it with her family, so I will be at gaming. Did we wanna do werewolf?

--Brandon 11:29, 3 June 2008 (MST) I think werewolf would be a good idea; hopefully, I'll show up in time to have fun storming the castle.

Ranting and raving or other random comments

Other RPG or Non-RPG gaming Events

Monthly Board Gaming Day

--Gdaze-- When would people be down for some Heroscape? Weekdays work for me as well.

--Gdaze 03:53, 1 June 2008 (MST) Hope the BBQ was fun! So, anyone up for a quick game of heroscape on Monday? Or Tuesday? (Tuesday is better but can do Monday).

--Dieter the Bold 11:24, 2 June 2008 (MST) No thanks.

BEN: Kim will be out of town this upcoming Saturday and Sunday. I will probably have to put in some work hours during the day, but late afternoon/evening/night for either day is open for a one shot/magic/board games/whatever. If we have a good time drafting this friday, I might be interested in doing a second draft saturday with another set of cards, although I'm not sure how much interest there would be in that. Otherwise, I'm always excited about one shots. So if a saturday or sunday late afternoon or later get together sounds good to you, post here.

JASON: You can always NPC with us in Deadlands Sunday. Sorry I flaked out last weekend, it was the end of my vacation and I was like triple booked, and then we just ended up taking a sit down and relax day. I had a lot to process.

--Brandon 20:47, 2 June 2008 (MST) I totally spaced on this. Saturday evening would actually be awesome to do a draft! I'm done with my conference at 2pm, and Kate is working all night that night.

Weekly Magic Whining/Complaining/Smack Talking

The card for Nameless Inversion actually has the changeling attribute, so I think your brighthearth banneret does count.

--Brandon 10:51, 28 May 2008 (MST) Yeah, I think this is right now. We were worried about Blades of Velis Vel, but it also has the changeling attribute, so same dif.

BEN: I think we should get a head count for doing a draft this friday. As far as I can tell, in would be: Ben, Matt, Ed, and Alan. If this is incorrect, let me know. Also, someone will have to get the boosters (preferably wherever brandon buys them for 2.50 a piece) we need 2 or 3 boosters per person: last time we used 2 and it worked fine, but tourneys use 3, so I imagine that works well also. Said pickup person can also get la pizza.

--Brandon 14:19, 2 June 2008 (MST) For a small fee, I can hook you up with my Magic dealer: berserk games.

--Brandon 15:32, 2 June 2008 (MST) Ummmmmm. So I just realized that I'm not going to get my Magic fix for a while. Any chance of some people wanting to get together to play Magic - either a draft or normal-like - on Wednesday at nineish?

--Gdaze 17:21, 2 June 2008 (MST) Well I'd be down, since nobody gives heroscape any love.

JASON: Depending on the location, I could be in. If you guys want to come to my place its for sure. Also, I am teaching Rumi magic, so its good for her as well. And finally, I am grabbing all my old terrain pieces this week, so I will have a fully stocked 4x8 gaming board with a ton of pro quality terrain as well as all sorts of mediocre level stuff as well. I want to do some miniatures gaming. So, Gabe, lets talk.

BEN: I can't wednesday, but like I said, Kim is out of town Fri morning to Mon. Morning, so I am down to magic it up any time during those days. I imagine, Brandon, that you are out of town for the weekend tho.

--Gdaze 19:04, 2 June 2008 (MST) Sure thing-o. Although heroscape I can really only do here due to set up and shit. Wed I'm down for da draft if nobody else is and you actually want to Brandon, but as you know I'm a bit far-o-way for you.

--Brandon 20:47, 2 June 2008 (MST) See above for my excitedness about playing Magic on Saturday (I'm not out of town this Friday - just at a conference). If Saturday works, I'd probably rather do that than Wednesday. If not, Gabe, I'd still prolly be down for Wednesday, though I'd have to find a car . . .

--Gdaze 21:15, 2 June 2008 (MST) Yeah that is Noelle's grad ceremony so no go there.

BEN: I'm down to do a second draft (after friday's) on saturday, or to just magic it up for a few hours: with the new cards we'll have by then, we can do another 'sealed deck' thing like we did last week. as for friday, I'm down for another werewolf session.

--Brandon 11:28, 3 June 2008 (MST) Ok, let's plan on some Magic on Saturday. I'm going to have to bail on the Wednesday idea because it looks like I won't be able to procure transportation to plasticland to play with Gabe. Sorry, Gabe!

--Gdaze Tis coo', I wanted some time to refine my decks anyway. *hides tears of burning sadness and stuff*

The Next Step in WHFRP Reboot

WHFRP Reboot Recap

--Gdaze 20:59, 11 May 2008 (MST) So like we are raising a huge army. While you were all out by the by. We meet with some punk ass monks who may need to be wiped out, I forsee that we will have to fight many clergy in our goal to get to the top.

--Edmiao 10:59, 12 May 2008 (MST)great. sounds fun. kill monks, jacob totally down for that.

--Brandon 14:03, 12 May 2008 (MST) I think that we should be careful with the holy-folks, as I fear that a reputation as clergy-killers will negatively impact our ability to rabble-rouse. I suggest Plan A should be to affect an air of legitimacy by using our own holy-folks (Walten, Ambrose, . . .) to do the talking when we run into potentially hostile clergyman. Plan B, then, would be to kill the punk ass monks quietly.

Also, we should think about our rabble-rousing strategy in Nuln, since I imagine the citizens of Nuln will be less impressed by our "unfurl the banners and be charming demagogues" strategy than the country mice were. I imagine that the Baroness will be key in gaining support in Nuln. Remember, that we have (at least) 3 objectives in Nuln: (1) get Ignatio's money from the Baroness, (2) raise troops (something like 2,500 more), (3) get guns, lots of guns. This, of course, is all in order to complete our primary objective of destroying our enemies with smoke and fire.

--Gdaze-- Yeah, in fact I don't think we should do the whole marching in with banners flying thing at all, but before we do get there lets have the Sigmar-ish banner made up.

First things first I think we should see the Baroness. Tell her what we need, and ask her the current happenings in the city, you know... get the mood of the city down. Also learn promanient members of the city watch/milita. Once we learn about them we may need to make some contact with them before we start open recruiting.

When we do start recruiting we need to make a really big specticale, perhaps even a fair/gaming event? You know, may pole, jousting, stupid shit like that. Also I'd like to walk the town a bit and find some demogauge doom sayers and then jump up and counter them. Not recruit right there but just to get the idea in the mix that there is something worth fighting for.

But most of all we need the Baroness's favor.

--Matts 14:39, 12 May 2008 (MST)Remember that the sovereign of Nuln is the Countess, though...

--Gdaze-- Right... and our ear to her is the baroness! BLAH!

BEN: i agree with brandon. also, since at some point we were concerned that the baronness might be working for the skaven: what if this is just a ploy to get ignatio out of miragliano? i know its improbable, but it might not hurt to send some soldiers back that way just to stay informed...

--Gdaze-- Totally on the baronness that she may be working for the skaven. That said, we can't do much about Miragliano, their problem now. Oh wait, you put informed... it may be good to have a runner party going back and forth to carry news of the going ons. In case the ol'hag does try to backstab us. BUT, we should keep an eye on the baronness... Nuln has never been a friendly city to us.

--Brandon 12:16, 13 May 2008 (MST) I like the idea of the spectacle, if we can get the appropriate legitimate backing, though I don't think we should do anything that takes too long in terms of set-up (we only have a month or so to recruit). Also, I agree on the idea of sending word back to Miragliano, but Tristano will likely scoff at the idea of a runner party - that's much too low tech. In game, he'll be happy to show you his plans for a message delivery system routed through the tunnel complex (hint: it involves both combustion and hydraulics).

The Next Step in Werewolf

Werewolf Recap

PLANS: So just what are some steps people are thinking of taking? If you could give me a rough idea it'd be most helpful.

The gayass story-teller: What a gay name. Anyway, all looks good, I'm gonna guess that we won't make it to the big show down with the fort this week, but I could be wrong... or the character could just rush it head on. Anyway all interesting ideas, it really helps me to see what plans people are going to take. Also there are a few things the characters will learn on Friday. Some hints.

Ed: I see we have two options if we choose to attack. hit the corporate office or hit the hellbeast guarded factory. When we parted, Wakhan was favoring russling up the troops, feinting attack on corporate and then making a real attack on the factory. First, attacking the factory in the real world with a truck borne fertilizer bomb, this to draw the baddies into the real world. then once they shift, hit the factory in the netherworld with the main force. thoughts?

--Matts 22:30, 22 April 2008 (MST)I wanted to get a good idea of what the sewer system around there looked like. I want to use my contacts in the bum community to find someone who knows the area and might have any tips in exchange for whatever, ie roughing up people who are giving him a hard time, cooking him an honest meal, etc.

As far as overall strategy, I think that the truck-bomb is a good idea, but especially that the two-pronged umbral assault is a good idea. I'm gonna ask any bums in the area about what sorts of trucks go through there, what their general look is, and where they're coming from. The waste they're generating these beasts from has to come from somewhere. Maybe we could hijack a real waste-truck, fill it with explosives, and do the deed that way? Like, drive the truck in, hop into the umbra, someone else remotely detonates?

Diverting forces to other targets may be worthwhile, but I'm not convinced that there really are extra resources allocated to this base or that our enemy really considers us a threat.

--Dieter the Bold 11:57, 23 April 2008 (MST) Back when I was considering a crazier version of Frank, Gabe reminded me that this is post-9/11, so large "terrorist" acts might not go over so well. As much as Frank is all about blowing up some BSDs, if we start truck-bombing buildings, all Pentax has to do is nudge the authorities just so and they could put some serious heat down on us. Now blowing up the building so it was in fact a leaky gas line or something? Golden.

--Brandon 13:56, 23 April 2008 (MST) There could be a *crazier* version of Frank? Heaven forbid!

I'm not going to be here this week, but (so?) here are my thoughts on the matter:

(1) We should attack the warehouse/factory ASAP. I'm afraid they will beef up defenses too much or move the factory if we give them the time to do so. I guess I think that our enemy sees us as more of a threat than Matt thinks.

(2) I agree with Wakhan that more reinforcements = better, though I also agree with Dio that we need a creative plan rather than an all-out straightforward attack.

(3) Christopher is going to attempt to figure out how to most effectively utilize his new rite. One possibility might be enacting the rite somewhere away from the warehouse, and then escorting the Chinook spirit (through the Umbra, perhaps with Redemeer's help) to the site to ensure it isn't taken out by defender spirits. This plan could easily be integrated with a number of the other plans, and would be a good redundant destruction plan. That is, if explosives don't work (or the plan is thwarted), maybe the rite will. Indeed, I like best the plan where we feint with a huge force (explosives or otherwise - I'm sensitive to Dieter's worries), pull as many guards as we can from the Umbra into the real world, and then move in in the Umbra (with the Chinook spirit Rite as our Umbral version of the explosion threat).

(4) Lastly, I think that the move on Talos (sp?) Industries could be done in a more clandestine manner, especially since all we want is the laptop. To the best of our knowledge, they don't know that anyone has any idea that the laptop is there, or that it is important. And, since the Umbral approach looks difficult there, I think a spy-like real world approach is most promising. One thought is to approach them as prospective business partners to get inside. With Dio's computer skills and Christopher/Wakhan's ability with Enigmas, we could probably convince them that we have some killer code-encryption or something. Also, Christopher's people skills (Befriend, Empathy) mixed with stealth skills (Invisibility ftw!) might allow him to move around inside. And, of course, Underdog, Lee's Character, and Frank make a to-die-for distraction/S.W.A.T. team.

--Matts 20:36, 23 April 2008 (MST)I think for the laptop, we could stage it like a gang robbery. Underdog's got some gang contacts and the like, word could get out about some valuable shit being up in there, and "certain parties" could be interested in the laptop. OR! Dio goes to interview for an internship, some of us start a ruckus and allow him to get out with the laptop. OR! We impersonate the Mexican cleaning staff and nab it (Underdog speaks Spanish!).

BEN: I think the job app is a good idea, although we don't even have to get the laptop right away. As long as I can get a fake id, so to speak. Dio will want to research how information gets in and out of the factory: if they have phone lines, where do they run? do they have radios? Is there a courier that goes to and from the building? could we jump said courier and get valuable intel off of him/her? Do they do any communication or other stuff through the umbra? Also, how would the weaver feel about this factory? could we pass bumping it off off on their team? As mentioned above, what sorts of delivery trucks go in/out? Are they hooked up to the electrical grid? If they have their own generators, they must be shipping in gasoline constantly.

--Brandon 10:00, 29 April 2008 (MST) So, can someone let me know what I missed last week? What stage are we at in terms of our mad schemes and diabolical plans?

Next step in Super Heroes

--Matts 10:03, 28 May 2008 (MST)Hey peoples, email me your Super Heroes characters if you haven't already. If you don't have a Super Heroes character, well that's your problem right there!

--Gdaze-- Yur face is my problem. I'm still working on my dude, but I can send you the rough draft. I ended up dropping the teleportation, just too weird and didn't make a lot of sense.

ED: are we using 175 points + 175 point disads = total 350 points with similar restrictions as listed from jason's exemplars?

MATT: 200 + 150 disad. No real restrictions but attacks higher than 12d6 will get scrutiny, higher than 14d6 are iffy, and I'm looking at 20 resistant defense being pretty high. Generally I'd like for your characters to have a particular combat niche that you can articulate pretty well.

Just send me the characters, and I'll bring up anything that makes me uncomfortable.

KIM: Would anyone be opposed to me joining the supers game? If so, no offense taken, seriously. It's been a while since I played masquerade or werewolf, so ya'll can call me "Rusty".

--Brandon 15:35, 2 June 2008 (MST) I, for one, would love to have you join, Kim. The excess of testosterone at gaming sometimes makes me nauseated. Also, I've never played this Hero system, so I'm worse than rusty. Speaking of which, I can't really make a character cause I don't have any of them books y'all are using. That's probably ok, though, since my crazy summer means I won't be around as much as I would like. So, I will likely just make a character that can drop in every once in a while for fun, rather than a character to build the game around.

--Gdaze-- Well thats okay by me! Hey Brandon, since I love making characters in the hero system, you want to tell me the kinda dude you wanna play and I could give you some ideas?

--Brandon 20:47, 2 June 2008 (MST) Sweet. Check out my thoughts at BrimStone.