Talk:OAAAA Magic

Revision as of 22:32, 19 July 2008 by (Talk)

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--Edmiao 15:04, 19 July 2008 (MST) ben, i got the fantasy hero grimoire. i want to run some of the details it has by you and see if you like them and want to use them. Spells cannot be in a power framework but are bought at the real cost divided by 3 (this is the most major question, i'm not sure why they do this, but maybe because you run out of points really fast buying spells). it also says that unless GM exempts a spell that all spells must take: requires a skill roll, attack spells must take the "spell" limitation (cannot use combat maneuvers with them). I think any modification to requires a skill roll (like active points don't apply to skill roll) would require GM exemption. Optional, but common, are requires gestures, incantations, and OAF. Other common ones are concentation, extra time, side effect, ritual and the like. spells cost end, and spellcasters may buy an endurance reserve (ie a mana pool). when this runs out or is lost, they can cast with personal END at double cost. If a character opts to not have an endurance reserve, then he can use his normal END for spells at normal cost (and end reserve is cheaper than normal end). I am planning to buy spells early with gestures, incatations, OAF, and/or extra time, etc..., and then with xp buy off some of those disads as the spellcaster improves proficiencey depending on the spell.

GABE: Actually they said only in certain worlds are the spells divided by 3, like in high fantasy where magic is very common, if that is what we are gonna do my potions will be much cheaper... It is to make them more common, none of the spells in that book divide by 3 in their examples though.