The Story

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20 years ago, under a peach colored Dawn, a little girl was born, and her name was Daenerys. Her parents both smiled, for their house was on a tranquil shore of a little lake, and the dawn-sign and the tranquility sign had auspicious tidings when combined with many spirit signs. Their village, being farthest from Amoris, did not have a priest to administer the auspice reading, so instead they summoned the wise crone from her hut on the beach. She came quickly, for she had had potent dreams, and she burned crushed lavender and moonglove, to sharpen her inner sight and dull her outer shell, and she cast the bones. When she came out of her trance, she pondered the symbols long and hard, reading them again, and again, and then again, for what she saw there no one on the island had seen in a very long time. She pulled out her bag of herbs, certain they had molded, and discarded them: then she plucked fresh herbs from the forest and burned them again, the potent fumes clouding all senses but the magesight. The bones fell again, and again the sign of the Forge, of passionate flame, of creation stared back at her in ivory and ebony. "Your daughter" she said, scratching the stuble on her leathery chin "Is to be the next high priestess of the forge." And then she went away.

Note the the characters: All characters must have the Forge as their Spirit Sign. You probably should share all 3 signs with Daenerys, unless your character is a human girl, in which case you can have a sky and earth sign that are slightly different.

In the following years, strange turned to stranger, for amongst the children of that generation, several others had been born under the rarely seen spirit auspice of the Forge. The people rejoiced, for they saw it as auspicious.

Time passed, and as the children aged, Daenerys, who believed very strongly in the power of the auspices, sought out her auspice-bound and befriended them easily: for she was beautiful and clever, with a will of iron, and she would not take no for an answer, or be dissuaded by trickery or fear. Once she became the High Priestess, her friends saw little of her, but always on their birthday she sent them a little gift, to remind them that she had not forgotten their bond.