Talk:Aefra Lastrangele'i Mai'enha La Eisenhei

Revision as of 19:34, 23 July 2008 by Brandon (Talk | contribs)

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BEN: your character needs to be 75 points TOTAL, including 50 points of disadvantages that you NEVER get bonus XP for. Any disads you take at the start of the game beyond 50 points don't count for anything: you may not take "bonus XP disads" at the start of the game. Unless I'm missing something, right now your character is 75 points + disadvantages?

--Edmiao 21:39, 21 July 2008 (MST) i think he has (will have) 75 points of characteristics and powers and skills. And he (will have) 50 points of disads after i figure out what they are.

--Brandon 17:34, 23 July 2008 (MST) Ooh ooh. Ed's character is now a woman. And a totally hott one at that! I likes me some hott faeries!

GABE: I saw that, with a name change. And sexy insect legs, yum yum! Gotta come up with what I'm gonna call her...

--Edmiao 17:09, 23 July 2008 (MST) you can call her "mistress". preferably "yes mistress". oh and she's gonna get even hotter as the game progresses. yes, sexy insect legs. actually i decided to make them feline-like legs. meow.