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-Back Story/Concept-








Language: Human, no literacy Language: One other, no literacy Climbing 8- Conversation 8- Deduction 8- Paramedics 8- Shadowing 8- Survival (2 terrain types) 8- Streetwise OR high society 8- Trading 8- One PS at 8-

Elves: 25 Dex (26 for wood elves), 23 INT (except wood elves), 25 EGO, 25 COM. Your other basic language is Faerie. 4 points of Life support (1600 years). Distinctive Features -5pts. Social Limitation (type varies by elf-type: for sea elves, as an example, this is their inability to live and/or settle on land for long periods of time)-15 pts. (Frequently, Severe consequences, not limiting in some cultures).