Current events

Revision as of 00:58, 1 August 2008 by (Talk)

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This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.

Schedule attendance)
6/06/08......W-Wolf..........BnD............... Dieter not home until 7pm, Brandon absent or late
6/13/08......Surprise..........BnD............... Brandon gone
6/20/08......Super Heroes............BnD............... Brandon still gone
6/27/08......Super Heroes............BnD............... Kim gone, ed gone
7/04/08......Random Stuff?...........BnD...............Ed absent, Matt absent, Brandon absent
7/11/08......W-Wolf...........BnD............... Brandon gone, matt absent
7/18/08......Guttersnipes!?..........BnD............... Brandon ATTENDING!, matt absent, Gabe gone, ed gone
7/25/08......W-Wolf...........BnD...............Kim, Ed gone
8/01/08......hold yer nuts, or Buckwheat.BnD...............Ben, Kim, Brandon, Ed absent, Gabe maybe late
8/08/08......Super Heroes.......BnD...............Ben (and Kim) gone, Brandon gone (& officially married)
8/15/08......Super Heroes.......BnD...............Ben (and Kim) STILL gone, ed 50% absent chance
8/22/08......OAAAA...........BnD...............Kim gone

Attendance and Food Preference


--Matts 21:54, 30 July 2008 (MST)Yeah, we're on then!

Nate here: I'm down bitches! I don't play magic, but I would love to do tabletop. Fo Shizzle!

--Dieter the Bold 12:17, 31 July 2008 (MST) I think I can safely promise to be home by 6pm. Can I get people to edit their attendance statements with yea or nay on pizza, too? Ben's given permission for car use, and I can't think of a more appropriate use than getting pizza for gaming.

--Gdaze -- Will be there, no pizza.

--Edmiao 14:33, 31 July 2008 (MST) will be there at 6. no pizza.

--Matts Why don't we get one pizza? Nate will want some I know.

Ranting and raving or other random comments

-- Matts more on Batman

JASON: We hack the internets. Which one? All of them.

--Edmiao 14:54, 29 July 2008 (MST) with all the absences and new players, we should be more dilligent in the future about posting recaps. this will keep people more up to date on what's going on...maybe. I'm willing to do my part, but i've missed every session for like a long time. anyone care to fill out The Guardians - Issue 1.

--Edmiao 09:38, 30 July 2008 (MST) gabe, cheryl loves runebound and we have lots of expansions (some of which severely unbalance the game) if you ever want to play....

--Gdaze-- Yes... those games can become pretty unbalancing, like the dragon familiar who steels items form cities, and you don't even have to be in the city! Well sweet man, I've only play once, the first time with nothing but the basics, the 2nd time with the giant and an item expansion. Its no Tailsman, but it's a good runner up for those types of games. I really like how you can change up the game. I know you two must be pretty busy now so throw some times out.

--Edmiao 10:05, 30 July 2008 (MST)actually, no time soon. just a thought. probably like september....

RUMI: To those wishing to live vicariously through me, bad news: I didn't get the job at Wizards. :( As a bit of a "what could it hurt?" moment, I applied for a graphic designer position at Marvel in New York a few days ago. Haha! Seriously, if anyone knows of anyone hiring for graphic designers, please let me know! This forced vacation is nice for getting things done, but I may go stir crazy in a few days...

--Gdaze-- Well good luck with Marvel! That would be a sweeeet job. Noelle is going stir crazy too, but she doesn't really have an online portfollio of her work yet.

Other RPG or Non-RPG gaming Events

Monthly Board Gaming Day

GABE: SO yeah I missed magic... does anyone wanna meet for like an hour or two of magic on Friday, say around 7? Or even Wed?

shindig on aug 30/31

JASON: Also, I will be having a massive shindig for mine and Rumi's birthdays on either August 30th or 31st. I would like to see as many of you jokers as possible attend. Mark it on your calendar. I am planning on renting a venue so we have plenty of space for games, Rock Band, and partying. Does anyone know of a centrally located, reasonably priced, venue?

GABE: I'd like to come, I'm trying to be more social. A central and big location for partying thats cheap? *insert your mom comment*

KIM: Oooh, I'll be back in town then, might have a job that weekend, but will try to keep it during reasonable hours so that I can show up and commandeer the potato chip bowl... *nom nom nom*

--Dieter the Bold 16:37, 21 July 2008 (MST) Will be moving into a new place, but should be able to spare a day. Consider me attending. The only venue I could think of that's sorta' central and maybe reasonably priced is an educational building. Gym of a high school, community college, Seattle U., etc.

Weekly Magic Whining/Complaining/Smack Talking

Me being the knucklehead I am, I found this dude with tons of magic boxes he is selling. Tomorrow I am buying two boxes of Darksteel (excellent set!), and he has the following other boxes for sale:

80 Fallen empires 1

100 Homelands 1

205 Mirage 1

260 Alliances 2

140 Invasion 1

200 Apocalypse 2

130 Odyssey 2

100 Odyssey starter 1

100 Judgement 5

150 Torment 4

120 Onslaught 1 + 1case

73 Scourge 1 case

130 Legions 4

90 Unhinged 2

80 Champions 2

60 Saviors 2

70 Betrayers 1 case

80 Mirrodin 1 case

70 Fifth dawn 3

90 Darksteel 1 case

80 8th edition 1

Do any of you jerks want anything?

JASON: Yes, the first number is price and hte number after is how many he has.

JASON: I just bought a big batch of cards. We should get together and have a trading extravaganza.

BEN: played in a sealed deck tourney on saturday. Got spanked like an altar boy: 0-4. BUT, I did get a shit-ton of awesome rares...they just somehow didn't come together into a great deck. Everyone who showed up got a rare "figure of destiny" foil, and somehow I ended up with two, which was sweet. I traded one for the prerelease foil overbeing of myth. I also scored 2 lieges, the red-white spirit avatar, and ashling the extinguisher, among a couple other rares.
BTW jason, I still have your cards that I bought for you. I should get those to you sometime soon.

GABE: So yeah, I think I'll try combining and

JASON: Dude, I love that idea.

--Edmiao 22:17, 30 July 2008 (MST) nice, but 7 mana to get that scarecrow out. i think there is a cheaper scarecrow that is 3 mana and tap to move a counter.

Next step in Super Heroes

The Guardians - Issue 2: The Argus Directive Part 2

Next step in Of Amor, Armor, and Alchemy