Island Culture

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Religion: The biggest temple on the island is the Temple of the Goddess of the Forge, situated in the mountainside above Amoris. There is also a significant temple to Aeron, the God of Love and Healing, a bacchic cult that believes true healing occurs in the act of caring and sharing with the afflicted. There is also a temple to Okeanos, the god of the sea, and Jaksan, a multifaceted god of stone but also of nature. Obviously, the worship of many lesser deities is very common throughout the central isles.

Economy: Caminus is one of the biggest trade centers in the central isles. As such, there is much business in the moving, selling, and reselling of goods. Obviously, support industries for traders, merchants, and their staff are huge as well. The quality of Caminean manufactured goods is also legendary, so this is a close second (it was first, until fairly recently). A third industry that has grown with trade, and which Cimon has done his best to control, is the black market: as a hub for the surrounding islands, many crime syndicates and operations make their home on Caminus. Finally, the Aristocracy of Caminus (including the incredibly rich members of the merchant council), their purses grown fat from the flourishing island, represent a unique but very profitable market for entertainment, luxury goods, and soldiers/mercenaries.

Military: Caminus has a small naval fleet of what are essentially triremes: low profile oar/sailboats that use ramming and boarding actions as their major mode of attack (like most boats in this age). The island's land forces are essentially feudal: lords, accompanied by knights, accompanied by men at arms. However, with the rise of blood elf and dwarf raids in the last 50 years, and the growth of the underworld, a formal navy has been implemented, and a militia formed that doubles as reserves for the sheriff and his goons.

Magic: It is clear that Caminus is a nidus for magical energy, and as such, it draws a disproportionate number of magic users. Perhaps a dozen skilled magic users (spellcasters, witches/warlocks, and druids) each with one apprentice apiece, on average, make the island their home. This number (probably 10 fold higher than most places) is due to the draw from surrounding islands to Caminus as a base of operations for such folk.