Talk:OAAAA Recap

Revision as of 12:07, 12 September 2008 by (Talk)

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--Brandon 16:46, 11 September 2008 (MST) Sweet. I've got like 40 points to spend on "getting dragons to do whatever I want" powers! I kid, I kid!

BEN: not entirely off the mark, although with an active point cap of 40 points at the next session, you're not likely to get very far. Furthermore, remember that powers and martial arts need to be approved by the GM when you buy them, no matter how big or how small.
Based on what I've read on the wiki, I suggest you all go back to the natural world and read up on dragons. If you still want to assign human motivations (and exclude animal motivations) to Oryxys thereafter, fine.
EDIT: I know I'm an incredibly obtuse GM, so in the interests of keeping people informed on parameters/world mechanics, I will say the following. Saving the ship will be nearly impossible. Not impossible, but it will take some fancy tricks, great RPing, etc, to pull it off. At the very least, you will have to pay points for it and come up with a way to steer/crew it.

GABE: Wait, whats the 40 point cap about? I don't remember that. Can no power go over that or something? I'm pretty sure I got my martial art approved. You should pick up a "martial art" Brandon, like martial block and defensive strike or something.

Also, did I loose all my equipment, more over, the potions?

BEN: as a rough guide, I've suggested that the active points of powers that will be approved should be in the [current session #] x 10 range. Next session is #4, which would be 40 points. That's not to say I absolutely won't approve stuff that's bigger, but Dieter, for instance, will have to wait a while before buying his 180 point "f u all!" power.
I also looked over the rules I put up again on the character creation page, and character appropriate martial arts you can always buy, just not damage classes, which require GM permission.
Nobody has lost any equipment yet: currently, you are all watching a giant dragon, flames spewing from it's maw, descend out of a storm cloud towards the ship: that's where we ended (you can expect a presence attack with a lot of dice as the opening of session #4). However, it is safe to say that anything denser than water (things made out of metal, rock, or glass, to name a few) will not float and make it difficult to swim. That's not to say, of course, that everything in those categories is guaranteed to end up in davey jones' locker...assuming you end up swimming (which isn't certain), I'm sure you'll come up with creative ways to save at least some of your gear. That being said, anything you bought with points that is not unique, you can replace anywhere you could reasonably find said item (a med.-large sized town/city for alchemical supplies, for instance): unique items that are lost return the points to the owner for other equipment purchases. Independent but non-unique items, of course, would be gone gone.