Talk:Gears and Tears
BEN: this sounds like a cool PA world...actually Garcon came from a very similar society in our PA game, although it was more like Medieval feudalism than steampunk. I like the idea of the majority of the world being populated by robots. Great opportunity to explore themes like "what does it really mean to be 'human'"? Also, what is involved in breaking out of the roles assigned to you? etc. It seems like the "make an interesting robot" thing is pretty central. I like this idea, and I think it will be exciting during character creation, but as I learned in Gemini, interesting character generation really only is exciting during character creation: after that, stuff on your sheet, or interesting facets of the character, are only tools for the story and RPing. I'm sure you've thought of that, but I way over-depended on interesting things to fall out of character creation in Gemini (which also had a very robust creation element) and so I just thought I'd say it.