Talk:Sci-Fi Game

Revision as of 19:48, 26 February 2009 by Matts (Talk | contribs)

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ED: you just want to use those space gorilla figures you got. sounds interesting, but please, god, no smugglers and no archaeologists.

GABE: Damn skippy I want to use space gorilla figures! No but really I find the universe pretty open ended but not like over whelmingly large.

Haha, you'll notice for smuggler I did put "ugh..."!

JASON: Shouldnt a Dyson sphere be much larger than Mars? They are built around a star, so they would be utterly massive.

GABE: Yeah it might be bigger, just going off what I remember. The world has fairly poor writing. I think its like a dwarf star or something...

Edmiao my understanding is that a dyson sphere is a metal hollow sphere with a star in the middle of it. So one in our galaxy would have to be at the radius of the earth or mars or possilby larger. That is to say the radius of the earth or mars orbit, not the radius of the planet itself. Now, if you had a much colder and less dense star, maybe you could make it smaller, i don't know the details of what the emissions from a dwarf star are, is it hotter or less hot than the sun? i do know that your mom is big enough to take the emissions from any star, although she prefers dwarf emissions.

--Matts 18:48, 26 February 2009 (MST)Speaking of emissions, your mom sure likes my nocturnal ones.