
Revision as of 15:46, 18 June 2009 by Dieterthebold (Talk | contribs)

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--Gdaze 14:31, 11 June 2009 (MST) I'm liking the concept and the history. One thing, about not being able to repair bigger more advanced systems. I really don't want to RP out changing light bulbs all the time, do you see this character evetually being able to repair more advanced systems? Because I'm pretty sure your going to be a main mechanic in this. And yes, there will be plenty of dirty jobs.

I really like the character's thrist for knowledge, a good drive that fits the game.

--Dieter the Bold 14:55, 11 June 2009 (MST) I'm not expecting to RP out the little repairs, but it's sorta' a hook that Fizzak can literally repair anything at a basic level. I mean, stuff that's not blown apart. Even stuff that he's never seen before and really shouldn't know how to repair. I'm leaning towards the savant-juryrigger kinda' archetype. He won't be hotshotting guns or boosting the engines to max, but he can perform your standard repair on literally anything except what the GM says "No" on. So in terms of being main mechanic, I could see him jury-rigging something to work as a one-off (like, get the drive core online for a brief FTL jump or can survive one relay trip), but he's not going to be creating a new form of jump-drive. The ship can be a piece of junk, but it'll never need maintenance at spacedock because of Fizzak. The only reason we'd need spacedock repairs would be for massive repairs or alterations. If he got his hands on all the components for an upgrade and either a manual or sufficient time, Fizzak could figure out where everything goes and do it himself. I'm just not wanting to play him as the super-inventor/scientist who can create new drives/shields/weapons or other super-modifications. Basically, if it's something that someone, some-where/when once wrote down a set of instructions to, Fizzak can handle it. If it's something that's beyond a manual or instructions (no matter how complex), it's not really Fizzak's thing.

Does that sorta' make sense? I get what your worries are. I'm just trying to take a fresh approach to my standard character-type.

--Gdaze 15:22, 11 June 2009 (MST) Alright, so basic repairs, that is fine. Tech-Priests are going to have some abilities from the game, such as the tech-mines. Will you character be using these? Stuff like AI hacking, dampening fields, stuff like that. Does your character only know machines, or will he know computer interface as well? Which is kinda nessary to use an omni-tool.

--Dieter the Bold 11:18, 12 June 2009 (MST) Yeah, I definitely plan for him to have the basic Tech powers of Mass Effect. And he will know how to use computers and all that. I haven't decided on any plan for the Tech powers. I was going to play that by ear depending on how the game develops.

--Dieter the Bold 13:46, 18 June 2009 (MST) Fizzak hangs w/ the Krogan, chats w/ Matt about Prothean poetry being mathematical strings, wants to poke at cool artifacts with Ben as they're being discovered.

If separated from friends for a long time-
Short-term: Would hunt for artifacts 'cause that's what he knows how to do
Medium-term: Would hunt for artifacts 'cause that's what made his friends happy and he misses his friends
Long-term: Would hunt for artifacts to find answers to the universe and all that