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== Janna Forgedaughter ==

Age 4 years

I was just old enough for bravery when my home fell to the greenies. Old enough to want to help, old enough to want to hurt them, but I wasn't old enough even to walk under the weight of armor, or pick up my mother's hammer to fight. But she fought. While I was smuggled away with the rest of the useless noncombatants, she and the too few remaining defenders of Karak Azgul held the walls, hoping for the return of our army. I know she, in particular, was watching for my father and brothers, and that she didn't live long enough to see them. Answering the call to protect our allies, the Humans, in Morgheim robbed us of any chance at repelling the goblinoid army. And our returning warriors shattered themselves against our own city's defenses. Ivar Sharptoof's army took our city, killed our people, and desicrated our forges. All my family are dead.

Other races wouldn't know this, but there are no dwarven orphanages. A child without parents is summarily absorbed into a nearby family, taking their name and parents and siblings as if they had had no others. All Dwarves are kindred. But some few orphans of that time have taken names like mine, instead; names that say we are the daughters and sons of Dwarvenkind and no particular family. Names that say we won't ever forget what the greenies cost us, and we'll kill them if we can.


April 6, 2514

I consider this a waste of good parchment. But Master Rocksplitter wants updates, and not just from his Human friend Wizard Klemperbad. I arrived in Nuln today. No troubles on the road; putting the survival book I read into practice was really fun, actually. Not that I'm in a great mood. Nuln is nothing like a Dwarf city. It's architecture is all jumbled, and all flat, and so many of the buildings are wood. I think none of the architects think long term, or really, even stop to think before they build. Its all very disharmonous.