Mass Effect Recap

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Mass Effect


The group meets and witnesses the Geth attacking the Citadel.


The group finds an apparently long abandoned but still functioning mining outpost from the Proteans. They investigate, kill some zombies and take some lootz but leave the majority of the station intact for further examining later.


Upon getting back to their office the crew went about the task of finding out more about the strange happenings. Krolm shot himself up with some more unknown fluids and went to the doctor hoping to have his blood looked it. First findings indicated it was an uknown substance that seemed to repair cells.

After speaking with Vor'Dar, he pointed out that he had a book that contain translations for this unkown langauge, taken from a recently found Prothean world. The world is ripe for pickings, and many looters are already fighting over it, hoping to get what they can before the corps move in.

Vor'Dar agreed to give them the book if they went and liberated, in any way, a Prothean entertainment device. The crew left and made short work of the would be looters. They will be washing out the inside of their ship for awhile.

Upon getting back, while Blackeye worked on the translations, and Fizzak on how to use a keyboard for the race, Krolm went and bought a dog, which he shot up with the fluids. The dog died a horrible death and Krolm then decided to cut it open. Renisha said that if it continued, they would have no other employees. Krolm then decided to test it on chickens, the chickens also died a horrible death, and were also cut up afterwards.

The book was finally translated and it has a map to something called a "Flower World".

On top of this, the doctor who Krolm went to, suddeny emailed him saying no further information on the fluids could be discovered. While Fizzak did a search on C-Sec for what happens if your caught carrying posion a "C-Sec" officer sent him a message, but Fizzak, being a master programer, and computer whiz, quickly realized this perosn was NOT a C-Sec officer. Fizzak played it cool, and didn't show the fake that he knew.