Current events

Revision as of 19:04, 10 November 2009 by Gdaze (Talk | contribs)

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This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.

Schedule attendance)

9/4/09.....MassEffect....????......Dieter gone to Portland, Gabe absent
9/11/09.....MassEffect....????......Matt gone on honeymoon
9/18/09.....Vamnp One Shot....Ben's condo......Dieter gone to Europe, Matt gone on honeymoon
9/25/09.....cancelled....????......Dieter gone to Europe, Matt gone on honeymoon
10/2/09.....Kingmakers one shot....bens......Dieter gone to Europe
10/9/09.....Kingmakers....Ben's condo......Dieter gone to Europe
10/16/09....Kingmakers....Ben's condo......Dieter late
10/23/09.....board games....Ed's.....
10/30/09.....cancelled......Ed likely absent, Matt likely absent
11/6/09.....Kingmakers....????......ben absent, dieter absent
11/13/09.....????????....????......Matt, ben absent
11/20/09.....????........?????.......Ed gone
11/27/09.....????........????........thanksgiving weekend: ben absent
12/18/09.....????........?????.......ben likely absent
12/25/09.....cancelled...merry christmas!

Attendance and Food Preference

BEN: so much for making it this week...and I was pumped after I heard about your guys' antics this past week. I've got a bday party I'm going to this Friday.

Matts - Yeah, and this week is Rina's birthday as well, so I'm gonna be with her this friday night. Well, the big battle can happen next week!

Edmiao I quite enjoyed the last session. Gabe, shot? Jason, Brandon interested?

--Gdaze 16:23, 9 November 2009 (MST) Hmm, maybe? Dieter, what say you?

Edmiao or we could do board games and/or magic again. cheryl said she loved space trucker, we could play some more of that.

--Dieter the Bold 16:14, 10 November 2009 (MST) Man, and I had just turned down a dinner and social invite to Polish House. I now have Acquire for more boardgame fun, and there's a chance Charles could be free for some BSG action that night. I'm nearing completion of a one-shot in Fading Suns. I don't think I'll have it ready by this Friday, though. I'm up for some more boardgaming or whatevers.

--Gdaze 17:04, 10 November 2009 (MST) Magic is always good, with board games for spice. I'll try to polish up my "better" decks.

Quote(s) of the week

Elemental: (to police chief, who thanked them for their good work) That certainly isn't going to help Viho's colossal ego. (or something like that...)

CyberJesus: I'm so sick and tired of this bullshit Thomas Kinkaid police state!

Ashbury: I grow plants that may or may not be used for pharmaceutical purposes

Ed/Aefra: "I use Seduction on the baby"

"Galen, you're wearing a dress." "Yes, but I still look better in it than in you do in your clothes."

Ranting and Raving

Edmiao any of you blokes have wii rockband and willing to lend me a guitar for the weekend? we're having a rockband party with some folks form work but lack a fourth instrument.

JASON: Sure. We can exchange that Order of the Stick game too.

Edmiao sweet, ya it's gettin dusty in my garage. would you happen to be anywhere more northward than your house before sunday? you should come to games for a guest appearance, we need a fourth for 2 headed giant and 3 players is better than 2.

JASON: I could probably come up around that way Saturday, maybe near Garys.

Edmiao don't make a trip out of it, but if you are coming up anyway then we can meet up. we might be out doing some shopping on saturday too. just give a ring if you happen to be coming up our way and we'll coordinate.

JASON: Ill probably be going to Garys. Oh, and holy mother of fucking fuck.[1]

Edmiao wow. you gonna make one? lets just touch base tomorrow, give a call before you begin your trek northwards, and thanks!

Edmiao one of our other sources for a guitar came through, so no need, Jason. But if you are coming up to Gary's anyway still give a call so i can get you the order of the stick. could drop by our place for a few rounds of magic or space trucker if you were inclined as well.


Current XP as of 10/16 session: 1600

Edmiao I am going to redirect my character thusly: Entertainer -> Outlaw -> Highwayman. Two benefits here, we only have one spy and i get to have some combat effectiveness (eventually) but still be an entertainer who should be fun to rp.

--Gdaze 22:46, 20 October 2009 (MST) So we should jump up to a total of 1600 XP now?

--Matts 07:22, 21 October 2009 (MST)Yes, and furthermore, expect more XP when you reunite the Lowengeist family, and more XP after that when you take control of Reikland or otherwise restore it from its fractured state.

--Gdaze 09:09, 21 October 2009 (MST) We are gonna reunite the family? What all happened after I left?

--Matts 09:23, 21 October 2009 (MST)You guys cut a deal with the Jungfrauds, who are just to the north of Johann's city. They'll lend their military strength in exchange for help in the Altdorf markets for the goods they import from Brettonia.

As to ultimate goals, you certainly don't have to reunite the family - if you set some other goals you'll get xp for those, as long as they improve Franz Stadler-Lowengeist's political position.

--Gdaze 15:23, 21 October 2009 (MST) And how much time has passed since the last session and this one? At least a month or two? Or did those kinda pass after the whole thing happened between the families? I'd like it if a least a month or two have passed.

Edmiao could be years?

--Matts 10:34, 22 October 2009 (MST)We're picking up where the last session left off. If you left after the big fight, it's been a few months.

BEN: I think the simplest, and most widely palatable next step is to off Johann. I tried to come up with an alternative solution, but it's just too risky. I think we should make it look like the bretonnians did it. Or anyone else, for that matter, it'll probably be painfully obvious that we're at fault regardless. Assuming we can succeed.

Edmiao re my comment on bens maniphilosipholistemisimo. This game is heavy into politics and there are far too many characters named Hans. It would really help someone like myself if there were a recap page that was kept up to date, cus i don't even remember who johan is and why ben wants to kill him. We have an empty recap page and a list of links to kingmakers characters, but which one has a guy named Johan?

BEN: the big hairy fucker who killed the entire family of our beloved lord. That guy. kill him.

Edmiao OH! Hans the Hairy Murderer. Gotcha. didn't he try to kill the whole family but save our Hans, which would make our Hans the head of his family? so isn't Hans the hairy murderer our friend? the murderer of your family who hates you and who you want to do away with is your friend and all.

Of Amor, Armor, and Alchemy

Current OAAAA XP: 75 base + 352 XP; Followers: 15 XP (current as of 8/7/09)

ED: How long did you say the interim was between act 2 and 3 again, ben? 10 years would be great, time to fit a lot of goings on.

BEN: 10 years is correct. Some things for the next session of OAAAA:
1.) Everybody will get to spend their bonus "interim" XP as they please, I've changed my mind about forcing expenditures in a certain way.
2.) I want everyone to think about their interim adventures. At the start of the nextsession, I amthinking we may do Gemini style card "prologues" in which we explore people's adventures: the person we are doing it for presents the overall theme/happenings, and then we run through it, with the group contributing details. Group bonus XP will be assigned based on cool story effects people come up with in these. If this idea seems too complex or seems like it will give other players too much involvement in your interim events,we can can it and just let each person do a narrative, in character or out.
3.) I will clarify happenings in the world at the first session of book 3.

ED: Sounds fun. I wrote up a bunch of ideas, i think there's plenty of room for adventures in between the paragraphs. Brandon, what is your email so i can send you the Tithe sheet. I may not have done a great job on him, he was pretty low on the damage potential, but still could take hits quite well. you may want to remod him, i'm sure ben would be fine with that. although i really think you should keep the pegasus, since it played a major role in the fight with the dragon. Let you fly and catch Aeten, bring him back to the battle and Aeten immediately thereafter struck the killing blow.

--Brandon 20:53, 9 August 2009 (MST) Sweet. A pegasus sounds awesome, and I was totally thinking about getting a mount for Tithe anyway, so that's perfect. I'm glad that Tithe played a solid role. My e-mail is olsenb3 [at] I would appreciate a full recap at some point, if someone has the time. Gratz, y'all!!

--Dieter the Bold 15:41, 13 August 2009 (MST) I think such a prologue adventure thing would be awesome. I heartily approve. Also, I personally would like a little GM wild-card in how points get spent, but that's just me. Ben, do you have the time/interest to do that with Galen?

BEN: sure...or rather, if you want you can use your prologue adventure thing to drive your xp expenditure. Or I'm happy to take as heavy of a hand as you want. Also, if we do this, the player who was "on the spot" would have full veto power over any card played: this may sound like a cop-out, but the point is to generate a backstory for those 10 years that appeals to the given player, and that trumps. I don't anticipate this being a problem, but it's easier to enforce than a "don't be a dick" policy. Also, any given player can just opt-out and write/come up with his own background for that time.

--Gdaze 13:48, 16 September 2009 (MST) So is that exp at the top, all the exp we have? Or am I missing the extra bit for the last 10 years? Also, Ben, should I email you with what my guy has been up to? Or are we doing this card thing?