Current events

Revision as of 15:11, 15 December 2009 by (Talk)

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This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.

Schedule attendance)

9/4/09.....MassEffect....????......Dieter gone to Portland, Gabe absent
9/11/09.....MassEffect....????......Matt gone on honeymoon
9/18/09.....Vamnp One Shot....Ben's condo......Dieter gone to Europe, Matt gone on honeymoon
9/25/09.....cancelled....????......Dieter gone to Europe, Matt gone on honeymoon
10/2/09.....Kingmakers one shot....bens......Dieter gone to Europe
10/9/09.....Kingmakers....Ben's condo......Dieter gone to Europe
10/16/09....Kingmakers....Ben's condo......Dieter late
10/23/09.....board games....Ed's.....
10/30/09.....cancelled......Ed likely absent, Matt likely absent
11/6/09.....Kingmakers....????......ben absent, dieter absent
11/20/09.....Kingmakers....Ben's.......Ed gone
11/27/09.....nada...thanksgiving weekend
12/5/09 Saturday....Kingmakers.....Ben's.......
12/11/09.....OAAAA........Ben's.......Matt out
12/18/09.....cancelled........?????.......Matt absent, ben likely absent, Dieter absent
12/25/09.....cancelled...merry christmas!
1/15/10......?????......?????......ed absent from here on until further notice.

Attendance and Food Preference

Ranting and Raving

JASON: Gabe, I obviously didnt see this. I can come over there on your lunch some day, just let me know when. boo I thought you would just call me. Oh well.

Edmiao which one of you spoiled the Alara pre release? [1]

--Gdaze 16:48, 14 December 2009 (MST) Oh snap Jason, looks like I do have you number, d'oh! This week is a bit... crazy so I'll call ya when I know.

Edmiao last night cheryl said "of course you should keep going to games after the baby is born". encouraging but we'll see how a dose of reality checks that opinion.....

--Gdaze 12:08, 15 December 2009 (MST) Well I know for at least the first month or so you will no doubt be busy, and-or quite tired. And unlike Matt, you will have a perfectly valid reason for cancelation. Don't worry too much about it. I forgot if you know if it is a girl or boy yet, but do you have a name ready?

Edmiao its a girl, cheryl likes Ella, that's the leading contender.

JASON: Did you know that if Ella Miao marries Darth Vader, she will be Ella Vader? Quite a lift.


Current XP as of 12/5 session: 3500

BEN: that was a good session today...lots of fun, even if my character nearly got killed again. nice emperor battle too.

--Gdaze 10:15, 7 December 2009 (MST) Funny you should say that, I was about to post the same! I really enjoyed the RPs, a good mix of serous play and down right goofy (although very effective...). I think my favorite part is when Ben Hans went and punched out the noble in a cafe, and Elf Hans started a food fight. Okay actually that whole thing was great. Showing up as the "bandit king" was great.

Of Amor, Armor, and Alchemy

Current OAAAA XP: 75 base + 370 XP; Followers: 18 XP (current as of 12/11/09)

Edmiao that correct? 17 xp for characters and 3 for followers?

--Gdaze 16:47, 14 December 2009 (MST) I thought we got a bonus 3 times?

--Dieter the Bold 12:26, 15 December 2009 (MST) Gabe is correct. We got +1 bonus XP each round of card play. XP corrected above.

Edmiaouh, you didn't chage it, so xp corrected above by me.

Edmiao we got questions we can ask about plot points in the game. Ed has 2, Gabe has 4, Dieter has 9. Things to ask:

1) where did that human girl born under the forge sign that the dwarves gave to Fantus come from? what is her history? Why does Aeifra look at her with eyes like a wolf?

2) who is the knight of thorns, what's his story? Why is he so crazy?

3) where did the fairies on caminus go? Do we care?