Current events

Revision as of 02:03, 10 January 2010 by Gdaze (Talk | contribs)

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This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.

Schedule attendance)

9/4/09.....MassEffect....????......Dieter gone to Portland, Gabe absent
9/11/09.....MassEffect....????......Matt gone on honeymoon
9/18/09.....Vamnp One Shot....Ben's condo......Dieter gone to Europe, Matt gone on honeymoon
9/25/09.....cancelled....????......Dieter gone to Europe, Matt gone on honeymoon
10/2/09.....Kingmakers one shot....bens......Dieter gone to Europe
10/9/09.....Kingmakers....Ben's condo......Dieter gone to Europe
10/16/09....Kingmakers....Ben's condo......Dieter late
10/23/09.....board games....Ed's.....
10/30/09.....cancelled......Ed likely absent, Matt likely absent
11/6/09.....Kingmakers....????......ben absent, dieter absent
11/20/09.....Kingmakers....Ben's.......Ed gone
11/27/09.....nada...thanksgiving weekend
12/5/09 Saturday....Kingmakers.....Ben's.......
12/11/09.....OAAAA........Ben's.......Matt out
12/18/09.....cancelled........?????.......Matt absent, ben likely absent, Dieter absent
12/25/09.....cancelled...merry christmas!
1/15/10......?????......?????......ed absent from here on until further notice.

Attendance and Food Preference

BEN: regarding 1/8/09: I am on call on saturday, so I'm out for Friday. Things will be pretty dicey for me for the next two months.

--Gdaze 11:13, 4 January 2010 (MST) Alright ladies, we need to start discussing.

--Dieter the Bold 10:26, 7 January 2010 (MST) I'm unavailable for gaming tomorrow unless I hear otherwise by 8pm today.

--Gdaze 09:21, 8 January 2010 (MST) Well I'm very, very sick so yeah... nothing for me this weekend.

Ranting and Raving

--Gdaze 11:26, 4 January 2010 (MST) Wow lost all my typing. Sigh. Anyway, agreed Dieter, however now the time as come to discuss what we are going to do. Ben as he stated will have dicey attendence (this is quite a contrast as Ben is almost always there for gaming!). I'm sure Ed will have trouble attending as well. Now before anyone jumps the gun and invites a bunch of new people we should discuss just how often we can play. Matt, in all likelyhood how is your attendance going to look? And would switching to Saturday make it easier?

--Matts 13:05, 4 January 2010 (MST)Given that my wife is moving to Japan in three months, and I'm following her a few after that, I might have a pretty loaded schedule as well.

The best plan for me is probably less of a set-in-stone schedule, as infuriating as that sounds. What makes things easier for me at this point is flexibility more than anything. I suppose this means you should just mark me down for "unreliable".

--Gdaze 15:16, 4 January 2010 (MST) Hmm I didn't know you were going to move. Flexability is cool, but I don't want to always keep Friday nights open just in-case we game. I don't even mind meeting every other week. What about GM duties Matt? Can you continue to do these? If not I certainly can take over, but only want to do so if we actually get a game going.

BEN: this may be a semantic issue, which I deplore, but both once a week and twice a week are equally set in stone/ equally as regular schedules. I think what Matt is suggesting is that we assume there is no gaming, I would say up to some set time in the week: if by that time we have quorum posted to the wiki we play, if not, we don't. I actually think that for all intents and purposes we have been on such a schedule since...late last summer or so, around the time Gabe's mass effect game ended, so I'm not sure much needs to be changed, unless that kind of open endedness wigs people out to the point where they'd rather just bail completely.

--Dieter the Bold 19:50, 4 January 2010 (MST) THE DEATH OF GAMING!!!!
Just kidding. Felt like making it some ridiculously over-dramatic comic book title. But interesting things for this year. A baby, a wedding, a move. Tough times, tough times. I'm more than happy to have a floating game day. Say, 24 hours confirmation minimum? I.e., if someone wants to get together Thursday night, we need to have a "GO" vote confirmed Wednesday night? Or do we want a 48-hour confirmation? Again, these are minimums. If we can confirm earlier, probably the better. And once we hit the Ed-Outage, I think we should call Friday nights off unless we have a pre-confirmed quorum. Since our 2 GMs are the ones most likely not to be able to a) make it or b) have time to prepare things. Still, I totally want to game with the group as much as I can.

--Gdaze 13:52, 5 January 2010 (MST) I was just saying every two weeks because that frees up more Fridays for those of us who are more whipped (wooo-phish). It would be nice to have a minium. But if that is only 24 hours, I will most likely be out for a lot of gaming, that might not be that different though haha. Speaking of that, are we going to keep running the same two games then? Seems kinda bonkers to have both running games being run by people who will have fairly shakey attendence. I have two friends who might be willing to join, but are not very RP heavy. Dieter knows them, but since Dieter likes to dismiss things after one try might not be so keen on them, heh heh. But they are okay, I'd like to think our group can take anyone in. If not that they are great board game players.

--Gdaze 15:05, 5 January 2010 (MST) Oh and I wouldn't mind trying my hand at GMing again. Granted Mass Effect kinda fell apart, but I think that is because I was using a system with rules that really didn't support such a space fairing game. That said, there are two games I'm interested in running. One is like Nova Corps/Green Lantern/Cosmo Knights like game. The characters belong to a space organazation that feels it is better then everyone else. This said, making up an entirly new universe would be quite hard so I figured just use one of the above mentioned. If I did I'd want to use the M&M system.

The other game I'm fairly interested in trying, is Rogue Trader.

And a 3rd game I'm thinking of is the characters play as Brotherhood of Steel, this would be based on the Fallout Universe.

But agian we have two games running, but it seems like things could be kinda shakey. So I dunno, these are just more ideas on the table.

--Dieter the Bold 10:47, 7 January 2010 (MST) Possible gaming style to consider for the future of the group. Linked to by the geniuses of Penny Arcade

--Gdaze 00:03, 10 January 2010 (MST) I'd say the guy who made it is quite the genius as well. I just read through all the parts and I have to say, it looks really, really fun. I could secure two more players for this.

Ben's Birthday Shindig

Well, it's that time of year again. Unfortunately, I'm on internal medicine, which means I take call every 4th night...and that means I can't give you a firm date for this event yet, though hopefully it will be in February, or at least early march. But I think I've figured out what I plan to do this year, a little something inspired by my old GM Matt Wilson at Grinnell and hopefully not too labor intensive to set up. I'm posting it here because there may be a little prep time involved for some of those that want to participate:
The premise: heroes from across many planes of existence have been summoned together for a mysterious purpose.
The Mechanic: Pick your favorite character that you have played...or even your favorite NPC from a game you have GMed or played in. Convert said character to Hero. Bring the character sheet to the game. Play that character. Sound good?
Feel free to comment here: if this sounds lame, there's plenty of time for me to brew up something else.

RUMI: I ♥ this idea. :D On a selfish note, I have family in town from 2.18 to 2.26 and J and I are out of town from 2.21 through 2.25.

--Gdaze 11:12, 4 January 2010 (MST) Sounds like a comic book, also sounds very fun. Let us know as far ahead of time as possible, though I realize that could be tough.

--Dieter the Bold 19:52, 4 January 2010 (MST) Love the idea. And I would also request that you somehow finally work out a PC getting killed by a Space Marine drop-pod. That would be awesome. Even if it was me.

BEN: I hear and obey.

JASON: Can I play Ben in this game? The only problem is how I can fit him into 400 points or less.

--Gdaze 15:06, 5 January 2010 (MST) Sweet, I may go back to my Rifts days.

Edmiao that sounds awesome. i hope to be able to attend.


Current XP as of 12/5 session: 3500

BEN: that was a good session today...lots of fun, even if my character nearly got killed again. nice emperor battle too.

--Gdaze 10:15, 7 December 2009 (MST) Funny you should say that, I was about to post the same! I really enjoyed the RPs, a good mix of serous play and down right goofy (although very effective...). I think my favorite part is when Ben Hans went and punched out the noble in a cafe, and Elf Hans started a food fight. Okay actually that whole thing was great. Showing up as the "bandit king" was great.

Of Amor, Armor, and Alchemy

Current OAAAA XP: 75 base + 370 XP; Followers: 18 XP (current as of 12/11/09)

Edmiao that correct? 17 xp for characters and 3 for followers?

--Gdaze 16:47, 14 December 2009 (MST) I thought we got a bonus 3 times?

--Dieter the Bold 12:26, 15 December 2009 (MST) Gabe is correct. We got +1 bonus XP each round of card play. XP corrected above.

Edmiao uh, you didn't chage it, so xp corrected above by me.

--Gdaze 16:13, 15 December 2009 (MST) Dieter is full of lies.

Edmiao that was a great session last time, btw. really enjoyed it. i thought the card thing worked quite nicely for that kind of round robbin storytelling. ever played "once upon a time"? its a round robin story telling game just like we did, but instead of regular cards each person has a hand full of cards with something printed on them that they should work into the story: "a king", or "a quest", or "a sword", "betrayal"....that kind of thing. might be another interesting way to do it. may be more constraining or may help with creativity.

BEN: saw it and was intrigued but was worried that it wasn't open ended enough. I'd like to try it some time, especially with "non-gamers" as a way to illustrate why gaming is fun for them that like it. I also enjoyed it and like the card mechanic for telling large chunks of story...I think the mechanic is most beneficial in the sense that it creates some arbitrary structure and it really promotes players working together because of the need to counter GM moves.

Edmiao totally. and that arbitrary structure is a good thing. it encourages both small tidbits that enrich the story with low cards and big sweeping develpments with high cards.

BEN: Another important piece of "world news" for Amora:
In the wake of Serafina's assassination, A mysterious warrior has begun "cracking skulls" and asking questions. This has happened in Csara, Eburon (by report of the Children of Light and Shadow) and Imadigo, mostly). Especially in Eburon, the warrior has been opposed by fairly potent opponents, including at least one mage, and come away victorious and unscathed.

Edmiao i don't remember who serafina is. lol

BEN: in the current generation, an unprecedented 3 witch queens exist: Arina, Serafina, and Jagha. They united (also unprecedented) and offered to each take 3 apprentices (ALSO know the drill). Now, one has been assassinated, something that has happened to witch queens a number of times you could count on one hand. It's a big deal.

Edmiao oh, that Hans. now i remember. what happened to her apprentices? presumably one is hunting her killer

Matts Isn't she the one who had robot Hans for an apprentice?

BEN: that was Arina. You guys never met serafina.

Edmiao and now we never will. oh wait, its high fantasy, we probably will.

--Matts 11:21, 18 December 2009 (MST)You meant to say, "And now Hans never Hans. Oh wait, it's high Hans, we probably Hans."

Edmiao HAAAns HAAAns HAAAAns. you so funny.

--Gdaze 15:21, 18 December 2009 (MST) I gotta Hans it to you guys. And with that I wash my Hans of this conversation!

Edmiao we got questions we can ask about plot points in the game. Ed has 2, Gabe has 4, Dieter has 9. Things to ask:

1) where did that human girl born under the forge sign that the dwarves gave to Fantus come from? what is her history? Why does Aeifra look at her with eyes like a wolf?

2) who is the knight of thorns, what's his story? Why is he so crazy?

3) where did the fairies on caminus go? Do we care?