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AKA David Smith


Agent 47 was adopted at the age of 1 by Colonel Briggs, a high ranking member of S.A.M.(sons of American Military). Multiple children were adopted for an experimental physical, mental, and chemical treatment program to produce a better soldier. The project claimed over 40 children lives but produced 6 viable candidates with some almost super human abilities. The surviving children were formed into a unit, the Angry Angels, and by the age of 10 entered the field as agents. To further the cause of S.A.M. the children were loaned out to a larger world organization for various terrorist acts. In many government circles the Angry Angels became well known and hunted. At the age of 17 the Angry Angels suffered there first failed mission losing the life of one of their members. Soon after the loss agent 47 turned states witness against S.A.M. and gave what little information he had about the larger organization. With agent 47s help S.A.M. was effectively crippled but the existence of the larger organization could not be proven. Once in the witness protection program agent 47, now called David Smith, received a G.E.D. and later a Associate Degree in Accounting from a local Community College. David is now working as assistant CPA in a local tax office. Though no longer an active soldier David finds some perverse pleasure in continuing to hone his skills, this is attributed to his mental conditioning. The current whereabouts and activities of the remaining 4 members is unknown at this time.


My fucking Diary

If you are reading this and Im still alive, I will kill you.





