Operation Lewis and Clark

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Wagon Train to the Stars

Mission log, Stardate 58847.23. Rear Admiral Sitak recording.

As of 0026 hours, the fleet has crossed into territory unknown except by surveys from the Pathfinder Project.

It has been eight months, six days since we have embarked, and so far have lost only one ship to its own poor maintenance. All those aboard have moved to other ships, and the USS Edison salvaged the derelict. The previous owner of the ship, one Samuel Trait, has expressed outrage at our treatment of his property as nothing more than resources to be hoarded. I issued a statement via my attache regarding the illogic of wasting further resources towing a ship that would not be reparable without a dedicated stardock, and the further illogic of leaving it behind. He has been silent in reply, but I expect him to react unfavorably. He has been volatile thus far.

The USS Endeavor's crew has been using our refueling stops to correct an issue of logistical concern amongst the civilians within the fleet. Many settlers did not adequately prepare their ships for accomodating so many, and we have converted the entirety of the auxiliary pod cargo bay into a... hostel, I believe Captain Amasov called it. Hostel Bay 1, as it has been come to be called, now houses almost one hundred settlers, to take pressure off of the civilian ships' systems. It is the belief of the Endeavor's crew that we can maintain that bay indefinitely, but should more settlers require emergency accomodations, we will begin sharing junior quarters to free up space to family units.

The USS Schirra has been serving as rearguard since an incident with the Cardassians two weeks prior. They are approximately four hours behind us at cruising speed, but have received no indication of further threats. After tactical analysis, it appears to be an isolated incident. Nevertheless, I have sent a report to Starfleet via subspace.

I have issued orders to Captain Alexander of the USS Intrepid to increase speed and begin surveying local space and relay their findings back to the fleet. The assignment will put them several days away from the fleet, further still if they utilize the USS Hubble. I must accept that they will be able to complete this task without support, as fleet resources are not capable of being stretched further.