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Some thoughts for Star Trek problem-solving:

Techno-Babble can be used to generate steps that guarantee a solution to difficult situations. NOTE THAT THIS IS NOT A GUARANTEE OF SUCCESS. Separate skill rolls to implement the various steps of the solution are still required. What the solution does guarantee is if you can successfully implement the soltuion and overcome the complications presented the issue will be positively resolved.
1) This skill is Player-initiated, meaning the Player must inform the Narrator they wish to attempt to use Techno-Babble.
2) Using Techno-Babble costs 1 Courage.
3) Narrator sets the TN and negotiates with the Player to determine the Primary System involved in the solution.
4) Player declares how much Courage (worth 5 per point used) they want to invest and makes the standard roll of 2d6 + Techno-Babble level + Courage.
5) The Player then draws cards from the appropriate skill deck, following the Matrix, to make up the difference between the roll and the TN.
6) The Player then works through the complications on the cards and the jargon tables privately and then makes their public proposal to the group and GM of their solution.
7) The group decides whether or not to attempt the Techno-Babble solution and then follows through or ignores the potential solution.

Matrix to separate skill levels and worth

How do we reward skill levels?

Risk of important NPCs/PCs as substitutes for cards?

Break down ship systems into a physical/logical map:
- COMPUTER is adjacent to all systems

Table of particles, adjectives, hardware components

Individual decks for each skill type: Engineering