Exemplars Character Generation
All characters will share a minimum of similarities in construction. These same rules will govern the vast majority of NPCs as well. Those rules are discussed here.
The Rule of x
No character may have an attack power whose DC+OCV is greater than 22.
Example: SuperMatt, evil programmer extraordinaire has a giant C++ Physics beam that does 12d6 damage. This is 12 DC. Therefore, he may not have more than a 10 OCV with this attack.
The Rule of y
No character may have a defensive power whose Active Points/5+DCV exceeds 16 Example: Disrupting Dieter, master thief of Erlenmeyer bekers has a diorienting chaff that grants him 11 DCV vs ranged attacks. Therefore, he would not be allowed another defensive power which was more than 27 active points.
Stacking Defenses
If two defenses stack, their Active Points will be added together when determining the y value. Example: If a character has Damage Reduction, its point value would be added to the appropriate PD and ED when determining y.
The Rule of z
No character may have an x+y of greater than 34.
Skill Levels
Odd skill levels will be added to either x or y, even levels to both.
Point Values
Please see the Demographics page to determine your characters Archetype and Origin. The union of these ideas will determine your characters points, disadvantages and active point limits.