Gangland! - Hero Creation

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In Gangland!, each player controls a Hero. This Hero is their in-game avatar, and is represented by a set of traits, attributes and skills that define how that Hero interacts with the City. Heroes are created using a pool of points to define their strengths and weaknesses. Heroes are built on 130 Character Points (CP).


There are 8 Traits in Gangland!. These Traits are divided into three categories, A, B and C. These categories determine the CP cost to improve them. The category A Traits are Knowledge, Presence and Essence. The category B Traits are Strength, Acuity and Fortitude. The category C Traits are Coordination and Quickness.


Trait levels are purchased incrementally, so to get a 10 requires first purchasing the 8.

Trait Skills

Rank Cost
1 0
2 2
3 3
4 7
5 12

Each Trait skill begins at level 1. Beginning characters may have no trait skill above 4. Levels are purchased incrementally, so it costs 5 points for a level 3 trait skill.


Derived Attributes have a starting value based on other Traits or Attributes. See the Anatomy of a Hero section for more on determining starting values.


Cost is the CP cost for each improvement. Max is the maximum number of times the attribute can be improved.


Perks are divided into three categories: Physical, Social and other.



Rough Edges: 1 CP/Frequency
Sharp Edges: 2 CP/Frequency


Level Cost
1 2
2 4
3 7
4 11
5* 16

Levels are purchased incrementally, so it costs 6 points for a level 2 skill.

*Skills at level 5 may not be purchased during character creation, but skills can be improved to level 5 with experience.