Super Secret Exemplars Notes
Dont read this. Seriously
Why is the world reaching out to its guardians?
The meteor hit the earth almost 100 years ago, and the effects took a long time to begin to manifest on a large scale. Since then, the earth definitely has felt worse than it has in ages. But it must have gotten a lot worse to call out to the Omnipth for help.
In the 1960's the meteor was moved briefly, but so much damage was caused that the Russians put it back in the ground and instead built a research facility near it. They also built some shielding that inadvertantly channelled its energies in certain directions.
Malachite has begun building a massive drilling complex offshore between Japan and Kamchatka that he will use to take the meteor for himself, and thereby control the distribution of all superpowers. His complex has caused a shift in the vibrations of the earth, but because of his extensive knowledge of geothermal engineering, the earth itself cannot pinpoint it.