Weapons rules-(Gemini)

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Weapon classes:

Light Pistol: 2D6 Conventional x Ramjet x Railgun +0/+1 accuracy

Medium Pistol: 3D6 Conventional x Ramjet +1dam Railgun +0/+1 acc

Heavy Pistol: 4D6 Conventional +1dam Ramjet +2dam Railgun +0/+1 acc

SMG: 4D6 (Conventional Autofire Ramjet AF, +2dam Railgun +0/+1 acc, 3rd burst

Rifle: 5D6 Conventional x Ramjet +3dam Railgun +0/+3acc, AP

Light Assault Rifle: 6D6 Conventional +1 Dam, AF Ramjet +3dam, AF Railgun +0/+1acc, AP, 3rd burst

Heavy Assault Rifle: 7D6 Conventional +2dam, AF Ramjet +5dam, AF Railgun +0/+3acc, 2xAP, 3rd burst

Shotgun: 4D6 Conventional +1/-2acc Laser +2/-3 acc

Heavy Shotgun: 5D6 Conventional +1/-2 acc, Laser +2/-3 acc

Heavy Auto-Shotgun: 5D6 Conventional +1/-2 acc, AF Laser +2/-3 acc

Each of these weapons comes in conventional, ramjet, railgun,(ram and railgun do not produce shotguns) and laser (shotguns only, baring rare examples) varieties. because I don't know how to make a table, I'm just gonna do my best to write it out, and someone else can table-ify it if they want. Accuracy is pointblank and short range before the slash, medium, long, and extreme range after the slash. AP means armor-piercing: armor values are halved. Each level divides by armor by a further factor of 2 (2, 4, 8, etc.) This table does not include heavy weapons.

Weapon quality has a big effect as well: the order is as follows: Poor, Low, Average, Good, Excellent, Best, and Custom Modifiers:

Reliability: -3, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3, +4
Damage: Lasers: -2 at poor, -1 at Low
Railguns: +1 at excellent, +2 at best and custom
Conventional: same as railguns
Accuracy: -2/-3, -1/-3, 0/-1, 0/0, +1/+1, +2/+1, +2/+2
Weight: +10%, +5, 0, -5, -10, -20, -50%
Special: Railgun: at excellent and above the Heavy assault rifle gains AF, Light assault rifle and SMG at best and above.
Price: 60%, 80%, 100%, 200%, 500%, 1000%, 50000-100000%

Close combat:

vibro knives have 2xAP against soft armor. on a to hit roll of 1 the knife breaks (1,2 for poor/low quality, not at all for excellent and up). At best AP is 3xAP (1xAP for hard armor). Custom is 3xAP (2xAP hard armor) and +1 to melee damage.