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Much like weapons, the framework is based on the rules of cyberpunk, with my personal modifications. First off, just like in city of tears, SP ratings will be reduced from what they are in the cyberpunk book. SP stands for stopping power: this is how much damage the armor reduces hits by. HA stands for heavy armor: this is how much the armor reduces hits by heavy weapons.

Soft armor: soft armor tops out at 10 SP and 0 HA: this is not including bonuses from quality.
Hard armor: Tops out at 20 SP and 1 HA.
Powered Armor: Tops out at 40 SP and 4 HA.

Layering armor: as far as I know, there are rules for this in the most recent cyberpunk edition, though I'll have to check it out. The bottom line is: you get a little bit of extra armor with layering, and the bonus is increased by having armor be closer in value for the layers. Chances are good that I will reduce the benefits of layering armor, and increase the dex penalties from doing so. This is especially true because most armor is not designed to be layered.

Damaging armor: when your armor gets hit, it gets damaged. Each time armor is hit, make a reliability roll (rules still to come): if you fail, the armor will be useless until it is repaired in that location. Furthermore, every penetrating hit reduces the SP of the armor by 1 regardless of whether you pass or fail the reliability check: this can be repaired.

Armor Types:

Armor Quality effects: