Talk:Gemini Advantages/Disadvantages

Revision as of 18:10, 15 March 2007 by BenofZongo (Talk | contribs)

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--Dieter the Bold 15:40, 13 March 2007 (MDT) A couple of questions: 1) Does the Zeroed advantage put you in greater threat of slavery, as you have no information available? As slaves often have little to know information to protect them from being enslaved, what would be the difference of taking a level of Slavery (for the extra points) instead of Zeroed if you wanted to have a lack of bacground information about you?
2) Could their be a version EM Anomaly that was usable as an attack?
3) Howzabout an advantage or disadvantage for Tech rolls? Machine Empathy for bonuses and Clueless for penalties. 4) A good Background/Social disadvantage would be Enemies, Hunted, etc. You've fallen afoul of some powerful group/individual and they'd like to pay you back.
5) Does Shipborn apply to piloting rolls, or is it only Wheelman?
6) I think an Intimidating advantage would be appropriate, and possibly it's opposite could be fun. Like Sanctity, except no one takes you seriously as a threat. Not stupid, but everyone just laughs at you and smacks you around if you try and act brave or heroic.
That's all I can think of for now.

--BenofZongo 16:43, 13 March 2007 (MDT)Since it's a work in progress, some of the very obvious ads/disads are missing, like hunted, enemies, etc. The intimidating one and its opposite are good ones that I didn't think of though. I don't think there will be an EM anomaly as attack, although we can discuss it if you had something particular in mind.

--Matts 16:44, 13 March 2007 (MDT)If losing a limb isn't a disadvantage, you shouldn't get points for it. I don't want to deal with people being like "Ok, first order of business, replace my limb!"

--BenofZongo 17:17, 13 March 2007 (MDT)For now, I'm going to disagree: it's worth points for the following three reasons: 1.) just because you CAN replace it doesn't make it easy: since this will potentially lead to some interesting missions/adventures, I think that's worth something. Also, cybernetics/vat grown limbs aren't exactly cheap, plus the cost of the surgery, plus the cost of antibiotics while you recover, plus recovery time, etc. Also, unlike cyberpunk, cybernetic surgery requires advanced surgery suites that aren't available in most places: in the places they are available, they're often booked by more important people than you. 2.) I haven't put this up yet, but I intend to have 50% of disads. be bought by the player, and 50% assigned by the GM (20% of your total character points must come from disads., this number is not fixed yet). If I feel like you are buying a lost limb/eye as a freebie, or if I feel like being mean, I'll assign you the disad that makes you unable to get cyberware. Or put a warrant out for your arrest on the megacorp planets (ie, pretty much the only place you can get cyber-surgery). Like you've said yourself, the buck stops with the GM. 3.) Buyback. If you ditch a disad through cool roleplaying, you can get rid of it for free. If you just say "I'm buying a new arm, well, then you have to buy off the disad. That means it costs you the appropriate amount of xp, or, if you don't have it, puts you that much into xp deficit.

--Dieter the Bold 22:10, 13 March 2007 (MDT) Awesome clean-up job, whoever did it (Ed?). Ben, totally cool with there not being an EM attack. I was just exploring that option since it's a normal power-gamer move. Turn my disadvantages into a disadvantage for my enemies. Also, understood that it's still a work in progress. Just tossing out ideas, I'm sure many of which have occured to you.

--BenofZongo 23:00, 13 March 2007 (MDT)No problem, most of the stuff you've suggested has gotten me to think of one or two extra things to add, so feel free to speak up. I agree that the clean up job made things very pretty.

--Edmiao 08:53, 14 March 2007 (MDT) you're welcome. this all looks very interesting, by the way.

--Gdaze-- Man, for a one shot I think this is more then enough stuff to go on!

--BenofZongo 17:10, 15 March 2007 (MDT)It's on my mind so I put down what I think of: usually its what I do when I need a 10 min. break from work. That's also why I decided to get back in the running for space opera GM: I spend this much time thinking/writing about it, I might as well use it. I'll keep building on it until I either run it or Matt runs it.