User talk:Edmiao

Revision as of 12:26, 5 April 2007 by Matts (Talk | contribs)

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--BenofZongo 22:37, 12 March 2007 (MDT)I think you bring up some good points regarding Jin, and I think your response to them played out nicely in this last session. I think your point about missions as a good hook is true, especially for time-limited games. As for actually getting to the bottom of things, I'm interested to find out what is going on.

The Juggernaut Bitch

--Matts 10:26, 5 April 2007 (MST)I'm the JUGGERNAUT BITCH!!! We gonna have a motherfucking rape party! Shit, I was born to fuck, my suit's so tight <high voice> I'm the juggernaut bitch....