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Okie, here is a more compelte version of my notes... Since you asked to see them.

Also you can see half of the creation story for the world here->
The First 8 Posted the full story which was really rushed at the end.
Timeline <-- Note that these are all negative dates, such as B.C.E.

So yeah, what do you think?

Well I'm bored, and maybe you are too. So here, why not read about some of the gods I created for my verse... I know they aren't written very well but I do it at work when I have the free time heh heh!


Eternal First Flame He is the oldest of the children, and so is quite the big brother figure. Although he is the oldest he is also one of the most out of control one at times. When he manifests himself outside the Divine City he is usually only semi-human looking. Most of his body is a swirling mass of flame, ranging from orange-red colors to white and blue colors. The only part that always remains primarily human is his face, with his eyes sometimes bursting into flames. He enjoys warfare and is worshipped by my many war-like demi-humans such as gnolls and hob-goblins.

Beautiful Sea Beautiful Sea is what one might call a “good” god. She favors people of higher morals and hates those who would rule by force and needless cruelty. She often fights with her older brother, Flame. Out of all the other Gods, healing is strongest among her followers. When she is seen, she usually appears in a vaguely human form. However her clothes are decorated with exquisite shells and pearls. Her hair is flowing water that never seems to actually drip down, just always floating.

Roaring Wind Roaring Wind is associated with travel. Due to the invention of the flying ships, Wind has seen a lot more worship. He is also the better natured trickster god. Wind appears as a mass of swirling clouds with bits of lightening arcing through them. At times a face will appear out of the clouds made of either lightening or clouds. When he gets mad the clouds turn black and storms reign over Gaia.

Gaia the Keeper This god cares the most about the occupants of Gaia more then any of the other gods. Only she still loves humans as much as she did when they first took step on Gaia, and only she stayed on the planet in the worst of times. This of course is because she is the planet essentially, at least the mass of it. She appears as a young woman wrapped in various earth toned robes. Her hair is a mass of leaves that changes as the seasons do. She is closely tied with her brother Primal Nature.

Primal Nature Nature is very closely tied to Gaia, and will always aid her in any way he can. He has a bit of a grudge against Flame who seems to destroy too recklessly. He appears as a large bearded human, who has 2 pairs of antlers on his head. His hair is very similar to Gaia’s, except that his is more like vines that are always green.

First Death This god is one of mixed fear and respect. Although he represents something all mortals fear, but at the same time she is needed. She takes her job very seriously and is charge of where souls go after the body dies. While she does allow resurrection magic, although she can void any of these spells she wants, she can not stand undead. Not so much skeletons and zombies, but vampires and other such undead. To her, they are cheating; they should be dead but instead stay alive and are against the cosmic order of things. Her church often hunts down these creations and takes care of them. She appears as a female human, except that both of her arms are only bones, and her face is a skull except her eyes which look like a human female’s eyes. She also has 2 sets of large black boney wings.

First Haven One of the “youngest” gods. Although she is quite powerful. She is the one responsible for the divine city and the host of celestial creatures that defend it. She hates curse, and would love to destroy him. Although she has tried, it is very hard to do. Her followers tend to be a bit over zealous at times and can cause problems with other churches. She demands a lot of her followers but is not very aware of mortal limits. She appears as a woman’s head, who is quite beautiful, surrounded by a mass of wings and beams of light.

Curse Pure evil is what Curse is. Although, he is not quite as destructive as some of the gods under him. Although he is the youngest, is he perhaps one of the most powerful. It is unsure why he was created with so much power, or if he was even created with it… perhaps he acquired it. He is very intelligent but very chaotic as well, he will usually give no reasons for his actions, that is, assuming there are any. He appears as an armored human male of very good looks. His eyes glow a deep red and he has rather large fangs.

God of… Rivers* Merchants* War* Sun* Harvest/seasons* Travelers* Mercy* Arts/music/painting* Justice* Celestial Beings* Mana*

Evil God of… Chaos* Beasts* Slaughter* Night* Demonic Beings* Tyranny* Forbidden Desires* Corruption* Dragons*

Divinity of Mankind: Ascended Blacksmiths Masons Common Man Common Woman Magic

Cat Gods: Razor – God of Battle and Triumph Motual – God of the Jungle Ulu – God of the Cat People and Hunting

Dwarf Gods: Grandfather – God of the Dwarfs and of forts Flame Beard the Mighty – God of the forge & craftsmen Stonewall – God of War/Defense/The Shield Glitter – Goddess of jewels, gold, and Mithrel Krel’th – God of Ale

Elf Gods: Lady Everfall – Is currently frozen due to a battle, but is the overall goddess of the elves. Viz’teki – Elf God of martial ability Zuell – Elf Goddess of Music Loi – Elf Goddess of Art Loon – Elf God of trickery and insanity Pelni – Elf God of Magic Nir’zelth – Elf God of Cities

Bird Gods: Zuel – Bird God of all bird people, associated with the sky and sun. Nebaran – Bird Goddess of the nest, new born, and fertility. Chipando – Bird God of War

Lizardmen: There are a large amount of these. But typically the city dwelling lizardmen worship Kez’nth. He is the lizard man general god.

Shali Shali is the goddess of the harvest and the seasons. Many farmers and people who work the land pray to her. Her churches tend to be smaller, and not worshipped as much in bigger villages or cities. However, her main temple located in the Emerald Lands, is an amazing site. It is a large farm that climbs up into the sky some 5 stories. The city it is located in, Evergreen, is run by her church. She has the appearance of a middle aged woman whose hair is made up of grape vines. Her eyes change color depending on what season it is. Her clothes also vary and are based on what season it is.

Old Man Footpad Old Footpad, as he is sometimes called, is the god of travel. He has no major shrines, and almost all of his shrines are found along walkways and water ways. However, his shrines are almost always found on airships. He is a strange god that tries to stay out of the affairs of the others. What he hates the most is when a community is cut off from the world. Thus his clerics usually spend some time making sure roads are well kept, and wiping out bandits. He appears as an old man but with a very strong body.

Lina The god of mercy. Lina is the 2nd best god when it comes to healing. Her churches usually double as hospitals for the poor who can’t afford better medical care. However, not many nobles or merchants support her… until they get sick or have a sick family member. This is the primary way they receive funding. That, and adventures. Due to the hard life they lead, they tend to donate to her church more often. She appears as a very fair skinned young woman with two sets of wings behind her. The wings aren’t actually attached to her back but appear to float right behind her. Her hair is totally white and she looks dangerously underweight. Her eyes seem to be missing and instead are just two black pits. It was said she burned out her own eyes because this way should would only be able to feel someone’s pain, and not let their image get in the way. She actually only “lives” for 100 years or so and ages somewhat like a normal human would. She claims this is so she can better feel the pain of others’. So at times Lina is a child goddess.

Sol Sol is the goddess of artists. She loves all forms of artwork, and has a very strong liking of music and painting. However statues and other works are also forms of art she takes delight in. She usually resides in her head church which is located in Wave Crest. Although a “good” god, she mostly just cares about artwork. Her favorite forms of artwork are those who can be enjoyed by the masses, but she also thinks that the “masses” are unable to fully appreciate the arts like the upper class can. She appears as a woman made out of marble with various lines painted on her body. Her hair is a mass of moving paint that takes on many different forms. Overall she is quite lazy and some of the other gods wonder why she is even around… but they do enjoy her music and paintings.

Justice Prime Out of all the human gods, Justice is one of the oddest looking, and yet most powerful. Justice is only interested in two things… justice and the law. Chaos is of course the enemy of Justice. Justice’s churches are in many places, and they even run several cities. Corruption is seen as an awful sin as is such acts as rioting. Under Justice’s Church is a powerful group called The Judges. Justice appears as both a woman and man, joined at the backs. Justice thus has a pair of everything except for below the torso. Here the god forms into a mass of energy that seems to radiate from a large open book. Justice’s body is covered in chains from which various laws are hung.

Primus This is the god of angels, or god of celestial beings. He serves directly under First Haven and takes her word as law. He is seen by many mortals as a source of strength though and is well worshipped by many warriors and impoverished humans. Primus has actually found followers among many of the elves as well who find their gods to be too passive when dealing with The Eternals. Despite being a human god and how First Haven favors humans, Primus doesn’t really care what race someone is. As long as you can fight, keep yourself of the highest morals, and punish the wicked, you are welcomed. Every year he holds a tournament in various locations to find warriors to aid him. Although sometimes the tournaments will happen up to five years apart. His main church is located in Highview. He appears as a shining man with golden armor. He has 3 sets of wings, gold, bronze, and silver. They are not attached to his back but instead float right behind him. He also has a red halo with an inner golden halo that floats right behind his head. He is known as a slayer of evil dragons and demons.

Mana While originally very powerful, this god has been losing some power to the Acention Church. Mana was one of the first gods of magic, besides the elf god of magic. She is not at all happy with the new god of magic and is close to declaring open warfare on her. This of course would cause a huge amount of conflict. So for now both just poke at each other. Except for of course in Jao where the religious civil war continues. But regardless of this, people still do pray to Mana. She has several bases of power. She is very closely connected with the Mana flow on Gaia, and her clerics are only interested in making sure Mana works in a way that can keep supporting magic. She is a somewhat neutral god overall as she is not really able to shut the mana flow of Gaia down. However, she is able to work Mana and make new focus points at will. Her churches are always located at focus points. She appears as a robed woman of inhuman beauty. Small crystals and spheres of light fly around her and her robes swirl with galaxy like motions and forms. She has long black hair that goes all the way down to her waist. Around her head is a crown with 8 little flames each representing the different elements of Mana.

Curse’s Gods: These are the “evil” gods of Gaia. While not all are evil, most are very brutal and delight in their domains of power.

Chaos This is one of the oddest gods in Gaia. Chaos appears to be a winged cat, and appeared after Curse held his games. It is not known if Chaos was a humanoid before reaching the tower, or some other creature. Some even say that perhaps a normal cat made it to the tower and Curse made good on his deal. Neither of them comments on this though. Chaos also seems to have a special relationship with Curse, in that he is free to do whatever he likes. He mocks many of the other evil gods, and doesn’t seem to care for their primal wants and pleasures. Chaos is thus not always seen as an evil god. In fact many tricksters and thieves worship him, which annoys Roaring Wing to no end. Also Chaos is able to teleport. It is not known just how he is able to, but he makes as much use of it as he can. Chaos gets along very well with Loon, and the two can sometimes be seen together. Of course when people do see these two together, they run for their houses or cover not knowing what to expect. Chaos appears as a winged grey & black cat with a golden necklace.

Uwgar The God of Beasts is a very dark god. He delights in bloodshed and the eating of flesh. He was actually cast out during Curse’s contest, but made his way back in. Curse was quite impressed with this and gladly welcomed him back in. Although he loves battle, it is not his main domain. Many primal tribes worship him, as well as some ogres, and other humanoids that eat other humanoids. He appears as an 8 foot tall man, but his head is that of a wolf which is capped with goat horns. His arms are covered in far and end in wicked claws. His legs look more like goat’s legs then a man’s. Spikes jut out of his back. He has 5 different tails, a lizard’s, a lion’s, a wolf’s, a shark’s and a goat’s.

Rage This god is also known as the bloody queen, mistress of battle and other such names. She is the evil god of slaughter. Although she says war, really any kind of killing in battle will do. She is one of the people who won Curse’s contest. She use to be a queen of a realm, and at first seemed to want the power in order to aid her kingdom against a troll invasion. However, as she got closer to her goal she had to become more and more cruel and inhuman. Finally after killing her own husband and her brothers, she had become the monster she is today. She actually owns a part of Gaia. Her church is about expansion and conquest. She is rivals with Gorr. She appears as a very attractive woman with flaming hair. She wears crimson red armor that constantly leaks blood. In battle she wears a skull helmet that still lets her flaming hair out. She loves to have brave and powerful men and women as lovers then ripping them apart during intercourse.

Elico This is another god that was given power by curse but is not wholly evil. Elico is the god of night. He appears as a young child with jet black skin and totally white eyes. He is completely bald except for a mohawk that is a deep blue. Elico was another winner in Curse’s game. He actually was only 16 when he made it to the tower. He is the god of the unseen and is worshipped by many thieves and smugglers. However, he is also the god of were-creatures, inn keeps, and late night partiers. While he is not very evil, he isn’t very good either. He is almost like a force of nature who people pray to in order to not make him angry, and ask for his blessing. Besides Chaos, he is the only other god in Curse’s group is allowed in the divine city. Part of this is because he has proven he isn’t like the others but really it is because no matter what has been tried Elico has always found a way in. This has lead to a saying “It is not that Elico found a way in, but Elico wanted to be found.”

Hulja This is the demon king of Gaia. He was actually not thrown out power during Curse’s contest. Instead he was in charge of sending out various demons and infernal dragons to make things more interesting. He is extremely powerful and appears to be 2nd in command next to Curse when it comes to commanding infernal powers. Hulja represents evil in all of its forms. However he spends much of his time in the infernal realms and instead lets his followers do work on Gaia. He is the rival of Primus and the two have clashed many times. Hulja is very much like a general to Curse. Hulja appears as a 10 foot tall demon. His head is covered in horns and he has four eyes. His body is a dark red and orange. He has four powerful arms and set sets of bat like wings. He also has 3 tails, all of which art serpents, and hoofed feet. If he ever appears on Gaia it immediately draws the attention of First Haven and Primus.

Gorr The evil god of ruler ship, also known as tyranny. Gorr is about power and ruling over the weak. In this way he shares domains with Rage, this makes both of them quite unhappy. Gorr also became a god during Curse’s event by using his forces as nothing more then mass weapons and shields. He has a powerbase in the East and often strikes out from there. He appears as a large human in black and gold armor. He has a pair of wings that are crackling lightening and his eyes glow blue.

Locked Desire This is what most people call her. She is the god of perverse enjoyment. All kinds of disgusting pleasures are to be had by her and her cult. She is actually one of the original gods under curse, as she was born from a demon mating with a human, then given god like power. While most people link her church orgies, that is one aspect, but only the very beginning. When people get more and more into it, or start out more into it, the acts become much more twisted. Incest, rape, necrophilia, drugs, murder parties, bestiality, and even worst are just some of things that go on in her temples. She usually appears as a bat winged human of insane beauty. Her body has made entire kingdoms go to war. Her head is topped with six black horns and has long green hair. Of course she is able to change shape and often does so. It is well known that she has seduced First Flame and Primal Nature. She was thrown out due to some… deals, she made with Curse.

Nugon This is a god most people don’t even like to mention. He is the god of diseases, corruption, decay, anything that has to do with foulness and sickliness. While First Death understands that some diseases need to be around, Nugon’s diseases are altogether unnatural. He is Curse’s plague master and has been with him from the start. Many rat people worship him as well as some foul human followers. He actually ends up getting a lot of worshippers from Locked Desire’s following. He appears as vaguely human. Although he is covered in blisters and sores that ooze puss. Maggots and worms constantly fall from his mouth as he talks and he is always covered in a cloud of flies. He delights in experiments on the races of Gaia and is responsible for Plague Dragons. His shrines are some of the most dangerous places to be found on the planet.

Prime Infernal Wurm Hell Fang This is the first Infernal Dragon that Curse was given when he was first created. Besides the Grand Wurm, he is one of the only other dragon gods and the two do not get along. While Hell Fang would like to think of himself as the only dragon god, this is clearly not the case. He mostly has power over Fire and Infernal Dragons. Never the less he is quite strong and 100% loyal to Curse. Curse in turn shows the most amount of loyalty to him. Sometime Curse even lets him fun freely on Gaia, these are called Fire Rain years. The reason for this is fairly obvious. They only tend to happen every 500 years or so. But they can be much more often if Curse feels like it or Hell Fang has been “good”.