IJIS Character Ideas
Use this page for discussing character ideas. Also it would be good to try and figure out what kind of ship you want. Take a look at those which are in Seldon's 1 from the rar.
To promote cooperation its probably a good idea for everyone to discuss what their characters will do. Secrets are still appropriate, and encouraged, this is just for keeping people from having overlapping roles.
Questions for the Group
These questions should be discussed by everyone. Whatever you choose will be what happens.
What kind of ship will you have?
What condition is it in?
How do the characters support themselves? Some examples: commerce, mercenaries, mining, smuggling (if this, whats the cover), transport, something else? The possibilities are endless.
Questions for Characters
Each player should answer the following questions about their character. It does not have to be here, it can be in an email to me, but all of these things should be addressed during character generation.
How are you connected to the other character(s) in the group (this should be strong)?
Where did you learn your skills?
What are your goals?
Why are you part of this crew, and what is your motivation for staying?