Current events

Revision as of 01:17, 29 November 2007 by Gdaze (Talk | contribs)

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This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.

Schedule attendance)
8/03/07......Entertain yourself!
8/17/07......Gemini....Ben and Dieter's wonderful gaming wasteland
8/24/07......sucking nuts.....each to his own
8/31/07......WFRP......BnD WGW
9/07/07......WFRP......The BnD Gaming Wunderhaus or the Wasteland!?! (Only you can decide)
9/14/07......WFRP......The BnD Gaming Wunderhaus
9/21/07......WFRP......The BnD Gaming Wasteland
9/28/07......WFRP......THe BnD Gaming Wunderhaus
10/5/07......WFRP......The BnD Gaming Wasteland
10/12/07.....WFRP......The BnD Gaming Wissenland
10/19/07.....Board games............BnD ..........(Dieter and Matt absent)
11/9/07......Board Games...Gabe's ............(Matt gone, Dieter gone)
11/16/07.....Exemplars prequil...BnD..........(Matt gone)
11/23/07.....Go see the family...???..........(Matt, Ed, Ben, Gabe gone)
12/14/07.....Board Games vs Exemplars....................???..........(Matt Gone to Japan)
12/21/07.....??????....................???..........(Matt Gone, Ben Gone, Ed present)
12/27/07.....??????....................???...........(Ben, Matt Gone, Ed present + brother-in-law)
1/3/07.......??????...............????...............(Ben Gone, Ed present)

--Edmiao 22:31, 19 November 2007 (MST) What is our definition of quorum these days? 3 or more absent = no quorum, 0 to 2 absent = quorum present (ie minimum 3 players)?

BEN: I'd like to play if there are 2+ players and a GM, at least for a bit. I'm tired of skipping sessions, we've missed a lot a lot of sessions this year. Given attendance records and our loss of players, requiring 3 or more means we'll be playing twice a month probably.

--Edmiao 11:42, 20 November 2007 (MST) I would say that requiring 4 players plus a GM is way too strict. 3 players is easily doable and 2 players is ok, but might get sketchy depending on who the characters are and how they interact. If you get two like-minded motivated characters, probably ok. if you get Aedil and Orentes, who hate each other and have polar opposite motivations, probably not ok.

BEN: my usual rule if I'm GMing is that I am willing to run my game with 2 or more, but at less than 3 (ie, at 2 players) it's up to the players if they want to bother. At 3 or more its a fixed thing. Usually this means that at less than 3 we don't play, but I know that if I'm one of the players, I'll vote to play.

--Jason 12:06, 26 November 2007 (MST)How do we feel about playing at my house this week?

--Edmiao 12:19, 26 November 2007 (MST) Yes! I want to see your place. capital hill? how's parking? do we need to carpool from bens?

--Jason 12:25, 26 November 2007 (MST)Its in west Seattle, just north of Burien. The parking is fine for about 4-5 cars. The address is 10208 Occidental Ave S, 98168.

--Edmiao 10:07, 27 November 2007 (MST) anyone in for another 6pm MTG for an hour? and where at, Jason would you be home this early? or we could do 6-6:45 at BnD before heading over if there was interest.

-- 10:25, 27 November 2007 (MST)I generally get home about 6, and Matt#2 will be there for sure. I would like to play magic, but my cards are at Ben's, so someone would have to bring them.

--Edmiao 10:50, 27 November 2007 (MST) I'll need some sleves for this test deck, but bringing the whole collection is a bit silly. I can drop by Ben's to get the cards and pick up Deiter if Ben is not available for the 6pm. Ben, if you bring the cards can you bring the two decks i still have made plus sleves and the land cards? hmm, i probably need some of the special lands too. this could become difficult, do you want me to just come by and pick em up.

--Jason 10:54, 27 November 2007 (MST)You just have to bring me my cards. Then I can make some more decks too.

--Edmiao 13:13, 27 November 2007 (MST)if we're at jason's, i expect some cheese curds or other cheese products.

--Edmiao 13:17, 27 November 2007 (MST)that said, i frequently encounter disappointment, so i expect to be disappointed regarding my cheese expections as well. convoluted? yes.

--Jason 13:44, 27 November 2007 (MST)My fridge is full of curds, no joke. All you can eat.

--Edmiao 15:50, 27 November 2007 (MST) YESSSSSSsssssssss! you must be expecting gabe's mom. I'm not quite sure what I am insinuating there, but it sounds bad.

Attendance and Food preference


--Edmiao 10:05, 26 November 2007 (MST)Present, no pizza for ed again.

--Dieter the Bold 10:40, 26 November 2007 (MST) Present, although possibly quarantined. Maybe pizza.

Gabe: Eh, you sick Dieter? I guess I shall be present too.

--Matts 11:52, 27 November 2007 (MST)I'll be there.

BEN: present, and BRANDON would like to attend as well. jason, if you could let me know if there will be an NPC for him to play ASAP, that would be cool.

--Jason 17:21, 27 November 2007 (MST)Absolutely. Can you send me his email address? I have an idea right now, and if he is ok with it its a go, if not, I will think of something else.


--Jason 18:14, 27 November 2007 (MST)I emailed him the questions. I am sure we will have something ready for Friday.

Ranting and raving or other random comments

Other Non-RPG gaming Events

Weekly Magic Whining/Complaining/Smack Talking

Gabe: I just bought 1000 magic cards for a penny each, they warn that you may get doubles... While I got a good selection of cards, I got like... only around 20-30 different types... but HUGE amounts of them. Still, the 225 artifacts for 15 bucks turned out to be a great purchase... or was it 20 bucks, either way I'm very content with that one. Even got a cursed rack!

--Edmiao 00:27, 27 November 2007 (MST) nice. still thinking about buying some selected singles. but i want to try my deck out first, might print them and sleeve them to test the deck with paper cards.

--Gdaze-- Oh actually it was 335 artifacts for 20 bucks, not too shabby. The 1 penny magic cards did seem like a good deal... but looking through I really only got a few useful cards. Got a few creatures, mostly just spells and instants. Guess I should have only bought 5 bucks instead of 10 bucks worth.

--Edmiao 10:13, 27 November 2007 (MST) If you ever want to try out a deck before buying the singles for it, here is a site with high quality scans of all magic cards. I just downloaded 11 complete sets go get my Mystic Snake deck. probably after all the downloading and printing, the deck will be too slow and flub. which would make me glad i didn't buy the singles, I guess.

--Jason 10:54, 27 November 2007 (MST)When a deck is slow you have 4 choices: Scrap it; mix in some low casting cost stuff you can do while you wait for your combo (cheap creatures or direct damage); mix in things to screw with your opponent while you wait for your combo (counterspell, discard); let it play how it is (this is fine if your combo is dominating and controls the game, like stasis or necropotence).

--Gdaze-- So I have a creature that you can tap and says that says "Target Player Loses 1 Life", so... is that a source of damage? Since it isn't "Deals 1 Damage to Target Player"? What about cards that say prevent damage? I thought the wording was kinda weird on this one.

--Edmiao 13:04, 27 November 2007 (MST) Losing life is not preventable. damage is.

--Gdaze -- What is a good sleeve to use? I'm normally not over all interested how my cards are treated but I guess trying to prevent damage will give me more play out of them. So which sleeves you all use? Jason? I really liked those ones you had. What kind are they?

--Edmiao 13:21, 27 November 2007 (MST) i want the sleves because i am going to try out a deck using cards printed on paper and they won't mix with the land or shuffle well. we have several sleves that came with that cardset if you want to use them.

--Gdaze-- Hmm, thats a pretty bitchy card then. Anyway I'm gonna try and make the 6 time as well so that I might playth. I got this artifact that lets you tap it, scarfice a creature to deal one damage to target player, untap the artifact everytime a creature is put into play. I think with the right cards this could be nasty.

Wiki block me will you... ho.

The Next Step in WHFRP Reboot

WHFRP Reboot Recap

The Next Step in Exemplars

--Jason 11:30, 27 November 2007 (MST)Ok, for this week, we have a few more issues to resolve. Gabe, send in a character that has disads on it. If I dont receive them by wednesday I will assign them. There was more but I am drawing a blank, more to come.

--Gdaze -- Will do, I should be able to get it to you tonight. I'm in the middle of an insane work week / getting apartment / and finishing up my JET application, tis crazy.

--Edmiao 13:05, 27 November 2007 (MST) i think if gabe fails to make disads that each other player should get to assign him 20 points of disads. that would be awesome. what would i give him... maybe stuttering.

--Jason 15:56, 27 November 2007 (MST)Jet application? Isnt that a magazine for black folks? I had no idea...

--Gdaze -- Indeed, I'm a brother on the inside. No, its the Japanese English Teacher something or the other. I go over there and do jack shit and get paid for it. Nice, wouldn't be till June of next year so no worries on gaming.

--Matts 09:44, 28 November 2007 (MST)At least he's not applying for NOVA - that company imploded under the weight of his mom's embezzlement-fueled bukakke binges.

--Dieter the Bold 11:10, 28 November 2007 (MST) Jason, your redesign for my character looks fine. I'll try and make some time before the session to play with it some to see if I'm comfortable putting it in stone, but if I don't, I'm fine to roll with it as is.

--Gdaze -- Phff, like I ever would have gone with NOVA to begain with. That ship was sinking long ago. Dieter you ain't sick are ya?

--Edmiao 16:19, 28 November 2007 (MST) hypochondriac? I'll bring some salmonella listeria psedudomonas shigella influenza soup for you. (those are all the pathogens I work with). yum.

--Gdaze -- I believe hypochondriac means you believe you have everything, not fear of getting everything, right? Well I work with my cum on your mom's upper lip but I ain't bringing that... or am I...

--Matts 18:15, 28 November 2007 (MST)Having everything is medically termed "Three Stooges Syndrome", if I recall correctly.

--Edmiao 18:19, 28 November 2007 (MST) hy·po·chon·dri·a 1. Also, hy·po·chon·dri·a·sis Psychiatry. an excessive preoccupation with one's health, usually focusing on some particular symptom, as cardiac or gastric problems. 2. excessive worry or talk about one's health.

--Gdaze 23:17, 28 November 2007 (MST) Curse you!