Current events

Revision as of 17:00, 16 April 2008 by (Talk)

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This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.

Schedule attendance)
3/21/08......magic/other..........BnD............... ben gone, Brandon gone, Dieter gone, matt gone
3/28/08......WFRP............BnD............... Gabe gone
4/11/08......WFRP............BnD............... MATT IS STUPID
4/18/08......W-Wolf..........BnD............... Matt probably
4/25/08......W-Wolf..........BnD............... Matt maybe, Brandon gone
5/09/08......WFRP............BnD............... Ben gone

Attendance and Food Preference


ED: present, no pizza.

GABE: Present, no pizza this time.

--Dieter the Bold 13:20, 15 April 2008 (MST) Present. Pizza please. Also, have to make up some lost hours at work, so I may not be home until just before gaming. I'll aim for 5pm or so, though.

--Brandon 13:20, 16 April 2008 (MST) Present, and I would like pizza, though I can't pick it up this time (I'll be at a talk until right before Magic time).

Ranting and raving or other random comments

Other RPG or Non-RPG gaming Events

Monthly Board Gaming Day

--Edmiao 18:31, 14 April 2008 (MST) ben you mentioned a one shot idea, is that going to be a kind of intro/trial run into your high fantasy idea?

BEN: I was going to run the one shot I posted on my page, the one with the kids trying to save one of their number from abduction. Since both of our games are running well right now, and since my high fantasy ideas are piecemeal at best, and both Gabe and Lee have high fantasy one shots on deck, I haven't put too much effort into refining that idea. That being said, I do want to run a one-shot this weekend (Just played in a cthulu one shot on sunday, courtesy of Matt #2, and had quite a jolly old time, so my blood is up, as it were), something simple and quick. I also want to check with Kim to see if she would be interested in the faerie one shot, since I think that might be a fun concept for her: if she is, I'd probably want to run something else. I've got a couple of other ideas if there is sufficient interest to put this together. So, the bottom line is: everything is vague and undefined, except that it will not be a trial run for any kind of campaign, since there are lots of GMs on deck ahead of me. EDIT: another possibility that I've thought of for a while would be a city of tears one shot (sort of sin city-esque cop drama) that would focus on an extended chase sequence. This game would be good for a small number of players, and might fizzle completely, but its an interesting experiment I'd like to try sometime.

JASON: There is a chase flow chart in Top Secret that works pretty well.

BEN: ok, since nobody has expressed interest in a one shot, Ed and I have discussed and settled on a saturday board gaming sessino instead, likely with BBQ. We'll start at 1pm and go till we get tired (by we I mean "everybody other than me"), at BnD

--Edmiao 14:51, 16 April 2008 (MST) yeah, cheryl and i will be there for board games. i'm of course interested in one shots, but would never be able to do them on sat/sun becasue i can only ditch cheryl once a week without reprecussions, which means i'm not interested. I'm sure all attached folks can sympathize and unattached insert appropriate snyde remark here.

JASON: I dont know if we are in or not for Saturday games, but I will let you guys know. On a related note, I think I am going to do a Deadlands one shot for Sunday. Our normal game is canceled, and I would like to try this out. Anyone interested, email me or otherwise let me know.

Weekly Magic Whining/Complaining/Smack Talking

The Next Step in WHFRP Reboot

WHFRP Reboot Recap

The Next Step in Werewolf

So I'll be posting a recap of what happened last time here later tonight. Some quick things I know off the top of my head is that an employee was saved from a Black Sprial ambush, and the characters now have a long list of names.

Werewolf Recap

also, one of the baddies was going to a factory for an inspection tomorrow, we planned to follow them.