Super Simple Game Idea (system)

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Too much of character generation now revolves around crunching the numbers rather than writing a concept and developing an interesting character. The two points a character saves by adding an extra limitation to a power doesnt actually affect the story more than once over the entire campaigns run. Instead of writing 15 iterations of a character to squeeze out more points, spend that time developing a personality, goals and back story. The following super easy system facilitates that.


There are three levels of characteristics, macro, standard and micro. Each micro has a standard group, and each standard a macro group. All groups cascade down accordingly.


Body Mind Spirit


Strength (Body) Toughness (Body) Agility (Body) Intellect (Mind) Perception (Mind) Knowledge (Mind) Discipline (Spirit) Presence (Spirit) Mana (Spirit)


Micro characteristics are anything that is derived from one of the above characteristics but does not apply to others within the group. Players are free to develop these and name them. Some examples: Speed (Body), Puzzles (Mind).

Purchasing Characteristics

Macro characteristics cost 7 points, Standard 2 and Micro 1. Each point in a Macro characteristic also counts as a point in the Standard characteristics which relate to it. Micro characteristics are added to the appropriate characteristic only when used for the appropriate task. There is no upper limit to any level of characteristic.


Skills cascade just like Characteristics (Macro, Standard and Micro).

Skill List

Coming soon.


Powers cascade like everything else.

Power List

Coming Soon.

Game Play

The game is all about being easy. Each player will need a collection of 10 sided dice. Consult the games power level and place an appropriate number of drama dice aside (in a bowl or whatever). It is suggested that these be a different color than the rest of your dice. When drama dice are removed from the bowl they are used for that session and not replaced except in special circumstances.

Rolling The Dice

Standard difficulty is 8, easy is 7 and hard is 9. There is no penalty for rolling 1's unless it is a contested action, the GM determines it is treacherous or risky in some way (this is not related to task difficulty), or it relates to a disadvantage.

Choose from your regular dice store a number of dice equal to the games power level. This is your Standard dice pool for all actions. If your character has an appropriate Characteristic, Skill or Power you may also choose dice from your Drama Dice pool up to the level of the attribute. These dice you have chosen are your action dice pool.

Roll the dice and tell the GM how many successes you have achieved. He will then tell you how well you do.


In progress.