Talk:The Races

Revision as of 21:59, 20 July 2008 by Edmiao (Talk | contribs)

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GABE: So the orcs fight in the central contanent? I thought there was no fighting allowed there, or that only with the Gods?

BEN: central continent and central isles are different, sorry for the confusion. I need to name the continents...there are three continents: we'll call them Nordra, Centralia, and Amora-sud for now. These surround an inner sea in sort of a reverse "c" shape. In the inner sea are the central isles, which are a vast collection of small islands.
as for fighting: fighting between the races or between factions is up to them: the gods are not permitted to interfere and Amor does not either: they are free to pursue their own path. The war between the gods is not permitted to continue in Amora, but that's different.

--Gdaze 13:58, 16 July 2008 (MST) Oh okay, gotcha! Kinda.... Maybe we could get a simple map down the line.

--Matts 14:48, 16 July 2008 (MST)The geography is roughly approximated by the pattern of varicose veins on your mom at fat flap 21-N.443-W so we've all seen quite enough of it.

Edmiao bows before your majesty. beautiful, simply beautiful.

--Edmiao 19:59, 20 July 2008 (MST)Halfling canibals. i love it. (pygmies?)