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Fantus has always been interested in what he calls "pure distalled magic". Or as everyone else calls it, potions. To him it is an amazing aspect of magic not yet realized. With a potion in hand a normal man can swim like a fish, breath fire, or even lift heavier loads. He was tought his trade by an elder gentleman who went by the name of Budmasier. The old man passed away several years ago but left his book of brewing tips to Fantus. The book is not always stright forward and reading it takes time, much more time to actually understand it. (Book has no game affect, just how I explain leveling up sometimes.)

He is a quick lad and doesn't care too much for being told what to do by people he doesn't know. He hopes to one day make a healing potion to break the monoply Amor has on the trade, he does not share this goal with many though.

Another potion type he is researching is body modification, such as growing claws or wings.

My potions:

Unless otherwise noted all potions take six hours to brew and provide 4 charges per bottle.

Alright, here are the potions I have... put up 3 weeks before we start play!

Potion of Dragon's Breath, 2D6 RKA, One Hex

Potion of Boar's Might, +10 STR (lasts five minutes)

Potion of Underwater Comfort, breath underwater and safe in intense cold (lasts 1D6 hours)

Potion of Stone Skin *NEEDS GM REVIEW* Gives the user 3 PD and ED for 1 hour, this is a drinkable potion.

Oil of Armor Enchancement, gives armor +3/+3 or whatever, takes a minute to apply but lasts all day.

Jitterbug Potion, LS-User doesn't need sleep, lasts for one day (24 hours), uncontrolled (user CAN NOT sleep), and most likely will give minuses to social rolls as the user twitchs a lot. Jitterbug only takes an hour to brew and each bottle has two doses.

How do those look?