Budmasier's History

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A brief history of Budmasier,


“Why we can no longer live, walk near, or breathe near Cherry Lane.”

Do you know why we can’t go near Cherry Lane children? Because a half-insane, half genius, at least he claims and several of his associates do, alchemist use to set up shop there. Oh I will not deny children that he made some great spirits and draughts.

Indeed his Dragon Down Under potion cured me of my foot rash. But he always pushed his studies further. Always experimented with new and exotic materials. He and that boy of his would stay up several nights in a row sometimes working on the next concoction.

Strange smells would often come from his meager hut and odd colored smoke would rise up out of the chimney or just plain outta the window and swirl into the sky.

Having just come up with a new oil whose smell could repel rats Budmasier took on his next project. Still full of confidence from his last success he pushed the limits of what he knew to be safe. He wanted to make a potion that would make someone grow scales… like a dragon! Can you imagine? Well, Budmasier could.

Something went wrong though and there was a huge explosion of green mist. Thankfully no-one was hurt but many on the street were marked with green spots. Thankfully the good gods saw it fit that both Budmasier and Fantus were marked as well!

As the near-by residents started to regain their senses, as well as a new-found hatred for Budmasier many had not known possible to feel towards an elderly gentleman, a strange smell started to fill the air. Budmasier and Fantus came running out of their hut which at the time, and still to this day, had torrents of green mist coming out of every available window, crack, hole and doorway.

As the angry and green covered crowds came to confront the two trouble makers everyone stopped… and sniffed the air… and ran. The smell was awful children. Have you gone near the fish market on a hot day? Have you ever smelled a dead cow that has been left in a field to rot for over a week? Have you ever smelled the fart of a Bouan fart after eating an entire bowl of Dwarfin Trouser Blazer Beans? Have you ever smelled a pig farmer? Have you ever smelled a wet dog?

The smell was all of these things and more children. Thankfully, or by the God’s own power so that they too will not have to endure that foul smell, it only stays in that area.

The two were forgiven, but from that day on many ex-residents would glare at the two if they were seen in the main city. And now Cherry Lane is a no-mans land… Do not take dares to go and try to whiff the fumes, for while they will not kill you it is a place that many who wish to do business unseen now make home.