Karthay, City and Empire

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Karthay the city has always been a vast jumble of districts and neighborhoods, with large, cramped markets in the squares and streets that form the intersection points of these places. As Karthay the Empire has grown and developed, the noble houses of Karthay have arbitrarily restructured what is called the "old city" by building a large, defensible wall around it. A smaller but nevertheless formidable wall is under construction around the "new city" which spralls away from the old city and the harbor into the surrounding landscape.
Karthay is arguably the biggest trading hub for all goods other than slaves in Amora (the biggest slave trade is to be found in Eburon). In the inner sea, Karthayans are considered the best traders and they are aggressive about maintaining their dominance in this arena. Karthay also has lenient immigration policies, similar to the central isles, and surprising upward mobility (rarely into the noble house level, but certainly close to it). Although Karthay as a country is still relatively new and somewhat unruly, The karthayan council's shrewd policies and leniency towards local customs and rule have already begun to forge a surprisingly loyal network of vassal states. Additionally, the huge amount of trade that Karthayan rule has brought to the inland states has been very profitable for all, further increasing their popularity.
All in all, Karthay is a country very much still seeking it's own identity. It is growing, it has sound policies and a powerful navy and army, but the face of its populace and its ambitions is ever changing.