Talk:Gears and Tears

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BEN: this sounds like a cool PA world...actually Garcon came from a very similar society in our PA game, although it was more like Medieval feudalism than steampunk. I like the idea of the majority of the world being populated by robots. Great opportunity to explore themes like "what does it really mean to be 'human'"? Also, what is involved in breaking out of the roles assigned to you? etc. It seems like the "make an interesting robot" thing is pretty central. I like this idea, and I think it will be exciting during character creation, but as I learned in Gemini, interesting character generation really only is exciting during character creation: after that, stuff on your sheet, or interesting facets of the character, are only tools for the story and RPing. I'm sure you've thought of that, but I way over-depended on interesting things to fall out of character creation in Gemini (which also had a very robust creation element) and so I just thought I'd say it.

GABE: Yes, I took a bit form Garcon heh heh! His robot kingdom he came from was on my mind while making this.

Hmm I wasn't sure if I was going to make it a majority, but it was going to be a significat amount, as in they aren't rare. Good poitns on the character creation, I've noticed this too that making characters is always exciting, fresh and new and all that jazz. But then, like you said, it just becomes stuff on a sheet. I think the Gemini character creation was fine, we made interesting characters. But yeah, thats why I avoid making back-ups, I end up playing them!

I'm envisioning this RP as utilizing a lotta RP. Usually if characters are talking about nothing, I progress the story after a certain amount of time. But here the character's interactions are important, even more so infront of humans. As humans would use these interactions to judge just what robots are and who should accept them.

Also combat is bad. You get your sensors shot out, or loose an arm? Or even take damage in general, its gonna take a bit to heal that. Also the fact that humans could just break you down into parts for more simple tools is there, thus I thought RPing would take a central role. (Why we need that thing? Jed could break him down and make a great plow form his parts!)

Breaking rolls would surely be a theme too. And something I'm sure a few robots would envy about humans, but side note, robots who dream find it far easier to break rolls...