Venture Industries Employees

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Dr. Henry Siskawitz (age 55)

Physicist (72 pts)
10 Strength 2 PD
10 Dexterity 2 ED
10 Constitution 2 Speed
10 Body 4 Recovery
18 Intelligence 20 Endurance
13 Ego 20 Stun
13 Presence 6 Running
10 Comeliness 2 Swimming
2 Leaping
3   Scientist 
1   1) SS: Chemistry 11- 
2   2) SS: Engineering 13- 
1   3) SS: Genetics 11- 
2   4) SS: Physics 13- 
2   5) SS: Physics, Force Field 13- 
1   6) SS: Physics, Nuclear 11- 
1   7) SS: Physics, Quantum Mechanics 11- (2 Active Points) 
1   8) SS: Physics, Subatomic 11- 
2   9) SS: Physics, Theoretical 13- (3 Active Points) 
1   10) SS: Vulcanology 11- 
3   Inventor 13- 
3   Deduction 13- 
3   Computer Programming 13- 
2   KS: Hobby: Sailing 11- 
1   TF: Small Wind-Powered Boats 
9   Contact: All Professors in the UW Physics Department (Good relationship with Contact), Organization Contact (x3) 11- 
5   UW Affiliate Faculty: Accredited Instructor, Membership 
2   Reputation: Genius in physics in academic circles (A small to medium sized group) 14-, +2/+2d6 
5   Computer Link 
5   Eidetic Memory 

Dr. Siskowitz had a successful career in academics at the University of Washington, a young fully tenured professor in Physics.  At 30 years old, he realized that he hated writing grants and supervising graduate students.  He wanted to get back to something more real, so when Dr. Ciquala mentioned his new startup, Venture Industries, Siskowitz was immediately drawn and asked Ciquala if there might be a place for a physicist with a lot of practical knowledge.  Indeed, there was.  He has been with Venture Industries since its inception in 1976.

Dr. Allison Andrews (age 35)

Metallurgist (72 pts)
10 Strength 2 PD
10 Dexterity 2 ED
10 Constitution 2 Speed
10 Body 4 Recovery
18 Intelligence 20 Endurance
10 Ego 20 Stun
13 Presence 6 Running
14 Comeliness 2 Swimming
2 Leaping
3   Scientist 
1   1) SS: Chemical Engineering 11- 
2   2) SS: Chemistry 13- 
2   3) SS: Chemistry, Composite Materials 13- 
1   4) SS: Chemistry, Fluid Dynamics 11- 
1   5) SS: Chemistry, IInorganic 11- 
2   6) SS: Chemistry, Power Cell 13- 
2   7) SS: Engineering 13- 
2   8) SS: Metallurgy 13- 
1   9) SS: Physics 11- 
3   Deduction 13- 
5   Inventor 14- 
3   Mechanics 13- 
3   Computer Programming 13- 
2   Animal Handler (Equines) 12- 
1   TF: Equines 
5   UW Affiliate Faculty: Accredited Instructor, Membership 
5   Contact: Some University Professor (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has significant Contacts, Good relationship) 11- 
2   Reputation: as a genius Metallurgist in academic chemistry circles (sm-med size) 14-, +2/+2d6 
5   Computer Link 
5   Eidetic Memory 
3   Lightning Calculator 

Allison entered graduate school in chemistry with an interest in blendings.  In the kitchen she was famous amongst her friends for her creative concoctions.  In the lab, she became famous amongst her colleagues for blending chromium, aluminum, iron III and palladium to create a new incredibly strong alloy.  She was courted by Dow and Dupont, but the offer from a small company caught her attention because of the intellectual giants who headed it: none other than Viho Ciquala and Henry Siskawitz.  The company of such genius was impossible to pass up.  Of course the pay was not as good as in big industry, but she was more interested in the freedom of intellectual exploration that Venture Industries promised.  After a few successful inventions, the pay turned out to be phenomenal.  Joined Venture Industries 1989.  Hobbies: riding her horse.

Bob Seebo (age 41)

PR and Advertising (72 pts)
10 Strength 2 PD
10 Dexterity 2 ED
10 Constitution 2 Speed
10 Body 4 Recovery
18 Intelligence 20 Endurance
13 Ego 20 Stun
18 Presence 6 Running
18 Comeliness 2 Swimming
2 Leaping
3   Conversation 13- 
3   Persuasion 13- 
3   Oratory 13- 
3   Acting 13- 
3   Lipreading 13- 
3   High Society 13- 
3   Seduction 13- 
3   Deduction 13- 
4   PS: Business (Harvard MBA) 14- 
3   PS: Advertising 13- 
3   PS: Public Relations 13- 
1   SS: Engineering 8- 
3   KS: Political Science (Harvard BA) 13- 
2   KS: Classical History (Harvard Minor) 11- 
2   KS: Markets for New Inventions 11- 
2   KS: Hobby: ______________ 11- 
2   KS: Hobby: ______________ 11- 

Got his MBA from Harvard.  Undergraduate also at Harvard BA in Political Science and minor in Classics.  Has been with Venture Industries since 1980. 

Les Jackson (age 55)

Mechanic (72 pts)
13 Strength 3 PD
13 Dexterity 2 ED
10 Constitution 2 Speed
10 Body 5 Recovery
13 Intelligence 20 Endurance
10 Ego 22 Stun
13 Presence 6 Running
10 Comeliness 2 Swimming
2 Leaping
7   Mechanics 14- 
8   Weaponsmith (Firearms, Incendiary Weapons, Missiles & Rockets) 14- 
2   TF: Helicopters, Small Motorized Boats, Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles 
4   KS: Ex Military Mechanic and Marine 13- 
5   Armorsmith 13- 
3   Combat Driving 12- 
5   WF: Small Arms, Blades, General Purpose/Heavy Machine Guns, Grenade Launchers 
3   Inventor 12- 
3   PS: Engineering 12- 
3   Electronics 12- 
3   Trading 12- 
2   KS: Hobby: _____________ 11- 
2   KS: Hobby: _____________ 11- 
2   KS: Hobby: _____________ 11- 
2   Reputation: As a mechanic amongst the Hells Angels (A small to medium sized group) 11-, +2/+2d6 

Motorcycle riding, handlebar mustache, the whole nine yards.  Enlisted in the army in 1964 with unfortunate timing, as US troops were sent to Vietnam only a year later.  Les served in the motor pool, first as a helicopter pilot, but later retrained as a mechanic after demonstrating significant innate talent performing in combat repairs.  Disillusioned after the war, Les took to a life on the road.  He joined the Hells Angels, traveling in those circles for several years.  In that time, he garnered a reputation for doing stunning custom jobs on Harley Davisons motorcycles, which drew the attention of one Viho Ciquala.  Started working for Venture Industries in 1982.

Kanuna Polianana (age 45)

Mechanic (72 pts)
15 Strength 4 PD
13 Dexterity 3 ED
10 Constitution 3 Speed
10 Body 5 Recovery
13 Intelligence 20 Endurance
10 Ego 23 Stun
15 Presence 6 Running
13 Comeliness 2 Swimming
3 Leaping
1   Inventor 8- 
3   Jack of All Trades 
1   1) PS: Antique Automobile Repair 11- 
1   2) PS: Chef 11- 
1   3) PS: Professional Boxer 11- 
1   4) PS: SCUBA instructor 11- 
3   Streetwise 12- 
1   Hoist 8- 
5   Mechanics 13- 
8   TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Helicopters, Large Planes, SCUBA, Small Motorized Boats, Small Planes, Small Wind-Powered Boats 
3   Paramedics 12- 
2   KS: Hobby: Works with troubled youth 11-

3   Jab: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +1 DCV, Strike 
4   Cross: 1/2 Phase, +0 OCV, +2 DCV, +2d6 Strike 
4   Block: 1/2 Phase, +2 OCV, +2 DCV, Block, Abort 

Kanuna Polianana has enjoyed a variety of professions.  Currently he works for Viho, excercising his mechanical prowess.  He was born on the Big Island in Hawaii.  In his youth he eyed the heavyweight boxing champions belt, but found that he wasn't that much of a monster after all.  Back on the island, he worked part time as a SCUBA guide and part time as a paramedic, tending mostly tourists with sun burns but also near drownings and more severe accidents.  As he grew tired of these pursuits he went to the San Francisco Cullinary Academy and spent several years as a chef in a high class seafood restraunt overlooking the golden gate.  Since childhood, however, he's loved to fix things and spent his adolescence repeatedly retooling a 67 mustang.  He always took these skills for granted, fixing the SCUBA boat or repairing some equipment in their ambulance.  Finally he decided to make his next career arise from his early talents, and started a shop doing custom work for antique cars.  Apparently he became somewhat famous, because one day in 1985 a short dude in a leather jacket offered him a job that he couldn't refuse.  10 years later, it seems like he's finally found something he can stick with.

Aimee Zie (age 25)

Programmer (72 pts) 10 Strength 11- 2
2 13 Dexterity 12- 2
2 10 Constitution 11- 2
2 10 Body 11- 4
4 18 Intelligence 13- 20
20 10 Ego 11- 20
20 10 Presence 11- 6
6" 14 Comeliness 12- 2
2" 2
2" 14   Computer Programming (Computer Networks, Hacking and Computer Security, Personal Computers, Mainframes and Supercomputers) 16- 
3   Bugging 13- 
3   Deduction 13- 
3   Forgery (Documents, Identity Cards, Credit Cards) 13- 
2   SS: Computer Design 11- 
3   Electronics 13- 
3   Inventor 13- 
1   SS: Engineering 8- 
2   KS: Hobby 11- 
2   KS: Hobby 11- 

5   Computer Link 
1   False Identity 
7   Contact (Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has useful Skills or resources, Good relationship with Contact) 13- 

4   Speed Reading (x10) 

Immigrated from China when 10 years old.  Joined Venture Industries in 1994. Has a past history in some shady hacking community but has left all that behind. 

May Weathers (age 42)

Engineer (72 pts)
13 Strength 2 PD
13 Dexterity 2 ED
10 Constitution 2 Speed
10 Body 4 Recovery
18 Intelligence 20 Endurance
10 Ego 20 Stun
13 Presence 6 Running
10 Comeliness 2 Swimming
2 Leaping
7   Mechanics 15- 
3   Electronics 13- 
3   Systems Operation 13- 
3   Security Systems 13- 
3   Scientist 
2   1) SS: Battery Cell Engineering 13- (3 Active Points) 
2   2) SS: Engineering 13- (3 Active Points) 
1   3) SS: Environmental System Engineering 11- (2 Active Points) 
2   4) SS: Mathmatics 13- (3 Active Points) 
2   5) SS: Mechanical Engineering 13- (3 Active Points) 
1   6) SS: Metallurgy 11- (2 Active Points) 
1   7) SS: Physics 11- 
2   8) SS: Vehicular Engineering 13- 
3   Inventor 13- 
3   Computer Programming 13- 
2   PS: Accounting 11- 
2   KS: Hobby 11- 
2   KS: Hobby 11- 
2   Reputation: Known as an expert custom engineer (To other expert engineers) 11-, +2/+2d6 
3   Ambidexterity (-2 Off Hand penalty)

A woman engineer?  What are you looking at, I’ll kick your ass!  Joined Venture industries in 1978

Joline Kelly (age 26)

Secretary (72 pts)
10 Strength 2 PD
13 Dexterity 2 ED
10 Constitution 2 Speed
10 Body 4 Recovery
13 Intelligence 24 Endurance
10 Ego 20 Stun
15 Presence 6 Running
18 Comeliness 2 Swimming
2 Leaping
2   PS: Secretary 11- 
4   PS: Accounting 13- 
3   Computer Programming 12- 
3   Bureaucratics 12- 
3   Seduction 12- 
1   SS: Engineering 8- 
20   TF: Common Motorized Ground Vehicles, Equines, Hanggliding, Jetskis, Large Planes, Rafts, SCUBA, Skating (iceskating or rollerskating), Skiing (snow), Skiing (water), Small Motorized Boats, Small Planes, Small Rowed Boats, Snowboarding, Snowmobiles, Surfing, Two-Wheeled Motorized Ground Vehicles, Two-Wheeled Muscle-Powered Ground Vehicles, Windsurfing 
2   KS: Adventure Sports 11- 
2   PS: Painting and Sculpting 11- 
2   KS: World Traveller 11- 

Joline and her fiance Mark love to travel, but the income of a struggling artist and a budding novelist don't really allow for jet setting.  She met Kanuna three years ago, he was piloting the cesna while she learned to sky dive.  Kanuna spoke gushingly of his employer who was looking for a new secretary, and who apparently travelled frequently around the world (he was actually a mechanic, and only flew the cesna on the weekends for fun).  Viho was looking for a secretary/accountant/jet pilot all in one, and Joline was a well recommended administrative assistant, and her quick intellect impressed Viho so much that he hired her and sent her to school to learn accounting and how to fly a Lear Jet.  Now her travels with Mark are on the job as she pilots Viho's Lear jet when he goes to conferences.  Hired in 1992.  Mark works at a bank in downtown Manhattan.