Current events

Revision as of 22:20, 9 December 2008 by (Talk)

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This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.

Schedule attendance)

11/28/08.....Likely CANCELLED (Thanksgiving):
12/05/08.....OAAAA...........Ben's Condo............Ed maybe gone, Matt gone
12/12/08.....OAAAA...........Ben's Condo............Ed maybe gone
12/19/08.....likely nada.......................Ed, Matt, Ben Gone
12/26/08.....likely nada.......................Ed, Ben Gone
1/2/09.....TBD...........Ben's Condo............
1/9/09.....TBD...........Ben's Condo............
1/16/09.....TBD...........Ben's Condo............
1/23/09.....TBD...........Ben's Condo............
1/30/09.....TBD...........Ben's Condo............

Attendance and Food Preference


--Brandon 16:21, 8 December 2008 (MST) I might have to miss this Friday, or at least miss part of it. I am hosting guests this weekend, and I thought that they were coming in late Friday, but it turns out that they are coming in late Thursday. But, they may be going to see the Nutcracker on Friday, which would mean I would still be able to make it to most of gaming. I'll let you know as I know.

Gabe: Shit foo', they want to see some nuts being cracked? Just let them come watch me duel you in magic, its like back to back nut crack'in action boy.

--Brandon 15:42, 9 December 2008 (MST)It's hard to no how to respond to that, Gabe . . . . Anyways, they are going to the Nutcracker on Friday, so I'm almost positive I'll be there for at least 3 hours of gaming, likely from 7 o'clock on. I'll keep you posted if things change.

Ranting and raving or other random comments

Other RPG or Non-RPG or Monthly Board Gaming Day gaming Events

Weekly Magic Whining/Complaining/Smack Talking

Shards of Alara

Elder Dragon Highlander Rules

Next step in Super Heroes

Next step in Of Amor, Armor, and Alchemy

Current OAAAA XP: 75 base + 107 XP

Stuff we want to buy:

Horses for all plus one or two as pack animals
Winter clothing and sleeping rolls
climbing gear and rope
torches and lanterns
dragon repellent
picks, shovel, other digging equipment to clear cave ins? dynamite?
Ketchup (if you can't beat 'em . . .)
carrier pigeons

Edmiao let me guess, big grandfather flame wants us to find Ixymion

--Brandon 16:20, 8 December 2008 (MST) Um, basically, yes, if by "find" you mean "find and free from entrapment". Basically, we had a choice between that and fetching the Ruby Shield for grandfather flame. We - again by Gabe's prompting - decided on dealing with the dragon. I guess that he thought we should mess with an even more powerful dragon ; ). I'm still not sure of the wisdom of the decision, but, then again, I'm not sure that wisdom is possible in choosing between two essentially impossible tasks.

BEN: there was a third option that was suggested: finding the thing Oryxys "most desires". That was too vague and therefore risky for the characters.

Edmiao oh, jeez. sorry i wasn't there. cus the thing Oryxys "most desires" is Aefra. zoing.

BEN: unfortunately, what a dragon "most desires" and "wants to eat" are often the same thing. He actually almost ate brandon.

--Brandon 17:07, 8 December 2008 (MST) Lucky for him he didn't try. He totally would've gotten a spear stuck in his ass, from the *inside*.

--Matts - It's obvious that what he most desires is a high-quality bridge.

BEN: too bad you weren't there to suggest it...*maybe* that would be correct. The problem really was that the dragon indicated he himself wasn't sure what that thing might be.

Edmiao maybe we should work on this "most desires" angle. seems like unleashing the most powerful dragon ever that will likely topple countries and start wars might be in the category of "bad". what's the deal with the ruby shield?

BEN: If you guys feel like the Ixymion details are things your character(s) would have known (some of it certainly qualifies as "common knowledge", like the story of tom the fool), and you think it would have changed your decision, we can trade out this choice for another if y'all think that is what you would have won't really affect what has happened since, although the sooner I know what the plan is, the better.

--Matts 13:18, 9 December 2008 (MST) What about jerkface mchonkyson merchant (Zabulon) who has some evil plan to bring the faerie queen back from the dead? How would Iximyon fit into his plans, because maybe that's what he wants?

My notes say he wants to forge an iron circle? But he can't use his magic to summon somebody dead? Can Ixymion?

--Brandon 14:36, 9 December 2008 (MST) I doubt that Oryxys is in league with Zabulon, and freeing Ixymion was Oryxys' idea. It seems like the schemes of dragons operate on levels above that of stupid mortals, even powerful mortals like Zabulon. The deal with the Ruby shield is that it is in the possession of an Orc Warlord in some far away place, and likely impossible to obtain. From what I remember, Ixymion was chosen because it was perceived as less impossible and closer (mostly the latter, I think). The "unleashing of the most powerful dragon ever" point is well taken, and is kind of why I was against the idea. But, I didn't really press that point. Maybe I should've (shrug). But, anyway, like I said before, I'm not sure there are any good reasons in favor of pursuing one seemingly impossible task rather than another.

Maybe the Order of Peace can offer some insight on how bad it would be if Ixymion is realized. Tithe is sort of on the fence about whether Ixymion is an aspect of nature that deserves to be unleashed, or an appropriate amount of control exerted upon nature by us mortals.

GABE: Actually... we DID need a bridge. I even said "Man... we need a bridge..." Anyway, if the dragon gets outta hand we kill it. I said very specicically what I can do in the deals but as Ol'Grand Father Flame said YOU people are not bound by MY word. Perhaps he will be so greatful that we can persude him to move elsewhere. I also like making possible dragon allies.

By the way, my character is serious about declaring war on Eborron, anyone interested?

--Brandon 15:42, 9 December 2008 (MST)This is awesome! I never knew that Fantus had a secret army that could be easily marshaled for both dragon-killing AND war-declaring purposes! Sweet! Oh, wait, what? He doesn't have an army? Just a little purple-glowing claw, a talking book, and crow?

Edmiao I wasn't there, so we can do whatever quest y'll are up for. plus then i get to say: told you so. why not the shield, we've already shown we can kick orc butt after getting ours handed to us.

GABE: The only way someone got it before is some famous thief got it. We have next to zero thiefing ability. Waking up a dragon I think is easier. Plus nobody has to know we woke up the dragon, stealing the shield is much risker, and with a possible war with another country on the burner I believe we may need allies. So yeah, dragon.