Talk:Plures ex uno

Revision as of 15:16, 27 January 2009 by (Talk)

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JASON: I like Lepidus. If we are choosing, thats my first choice.

GABE: I'd be interested in Tullius.

ED: whatever whatever

GABE: Well then...

--Matts 18:04, 9 January 2009 (MST)cast me out of type!

GABE: Actually me too... and would perfer out of type, but down for any.

ED: yes, out of type for me too. or whatever.

--Dieter the Bold 12:23, 27 January 2009 (MST) Still prefer Peregrinus, but since I'm only half-time, put me wherever won't be a gaping hole when I bounce out.

BEN: yeah, I was going to mention that: in all likelihood, you will be part of the attendant/guard contingent, since I can't have story critical characters disappearing 40% of the way through. That's not a guarantee, but it is what is most likely. All of the characters will have important contributions and story related stuff going on, of course. If that's not appealing to you, I understand if you want to bail and just come for the chocolate mousse later.