Tellin' the Tale

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A history of Post-Holocaust Deadlands.

The 'Poclypse

In the long ago a star fell from the heavens and the world burned.

The Five

This is the tellin' of things come long before. It is the Tellin' of the five and how they came to be. First came the Preacher out of Eden to wander the wastes as he read in the word. Then from Eden came Szander and Lena. Szander and Lena were still little ones under the care of Ethan and Rebekah. Parents and children cast out from Eden for reasons known only to Ethan and Rebekah. Learnin' to survive in the surface world was difficult for the family of Edenites. Fortunately for them they crossed path with the Preacher, who recognized Ethan and Rebekah from times before. He helped them with the knowin' of Livin' on the surface and then returned to his wanderin'. Then on a dark day the family crossed paths with The Black Diamond and his Rattlers. Ethan and Rebekah were killed and Szander was left for dead. Only Lena, hidden and overlooked, survived. Szander lay sick and dyin', but he was able to tell Lena what they needed for Livin'. The Rattlers were still nearby and little Lena was able to sneak in to their camp many times to filch the things they needed for survivin'. The Black Diamond was crafty and he knowed that somethin' was up when things kept goin' missin'. So he set some of the Rattlers to watchin', and after a bit one of 'em spotted Lena. They followed Lena right back to the hole where Szander was hidden'. Seein' that they were just two kids, they snatched 'em up and brought 'em back to The Black Diamond in chains. The Rattlers were runnin' low on gas, so The Black Diamond decided to trade Szander and Lena to slavers instead of killin' 'em.