Talk:Not Fallout

Revision as of 14:20, 9 April 2009 by (Talk)

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--Matts 16:52, 8 April 2009 (MST)I think the day-after concept would actually be pretty dope in the sense that ideally our characters would all be similarly unsuited to combat, unless someone played a cop or ex-military. I like pirates more, but i'd be on board with day-after PA.

BEN: its an interesting idea for a one shot (day after), but Its hard for me to role-play "ohmygod the world is ruined I want to die! what are we gonna do!" every session. Same as my fundamental problem with horror themed games. My biggest issue with pirates is that I think pirates would be at LEAST as tongue in cheek/silly as supers, probably a lot more. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it's likely to have limited appeal in the long term, and zero appeal to some players (dieter has mentioned that the supers game is too silly for him). I'm fine with PA also...I don't have any fundamental problem with looting, but having run a PA game, I can tell you that it doesn't take long for equipment to cease to be limiting for characters...and this is not a problem that is easily solved. You may want to talk to Jason/Matt #2 about this, since his group is now running a PA game.

GABE: Well the thing about "day after" is I'd hope not everyone would want to die, but instead live. The game would focus on survival, organizing groups to survive, dealing with nut cases, deciding what is important, that kinda stuff. I think I would actually start the game just a few hours after whatever the ending event is... OR... set near the end of a string of events that is ending everything. I dunno, again this is just an idea I had. I guess its kinda like Dawnforge but in a PA world.

So about the equipment thing, you mean the equipment starts becoming too power? Or it is too useful?