Current events

Revision as of 18:24, 21 April 2009 by (Talk)

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This page is for discussion of stuff related to the game coming up this week, no matter when that actually is. For instance, we can all assume Nate isnt coming for some lame reason and that Ed is sick of pizza and is bringing teriyaki or some other crap. They can post something here if that happens to be untrue.

Schedule attendance)

4/17/09.....Supers.........Ben's Condo.........
4/24/09.....nada.........Ben's Condo.........Dieter, Ed, Matt Absent
5/01/09.....OAAAAA.........Ben's Condo.........Ed absent
5/08/09.....OAAAAA.........Ben's Condo.........
5/15/09.....OAAAAA.........Ben's Condo.........
5/22/09.....Supers.........Ben's Condo.........
5/29/09.....Supers.........Ben's Condo.........
6/05/09.....Supers.........Ben's Condo.........
6/12/09.....???.........Ben's Condo.........
6/19/09.....???.........Ben's Condo.........
6/26/09.....???.........Ben's Condo.........Matt absent, getting married
7/03/09.....???.........Ben's Condo.........

Attendance and Food Preference

Ed: absent

Gabe: Well as this would leave only one player, me, I'm guessing we are canceling Friday...

BEN: yup.

Quote(s) of the week

Elemental: (to police chief, who thanked them for their good work) That certainly isn't going to help Viho's colossal ego. (or something like that...)

CyberJesus: I'm so sick and tired of this bullshit Thomas Kinkaid police state!

Ashbury: I grow plants that may or may not be used for pharmaceutical purposes

Ranting and Raving

Matts - Gabe, if you haven't, you might want to look into Perdido Street Station and The Scar by China Mieville. The first is about a steampunk city built in the ruined skeleton of a gigantic creature, and the second is basically about steampunk pirates.

GABE: Is the street station one, the one where the guy likes a girl with an insect head? I've read a little bit of the reviews on it. I'll see if the library has them as I'm going there today.

--Brandon 12:27, 21 April 2009 (MST) Ooh, those sound good. I'm totally going to check one out today, too. If y'all are interested in Steampunk stuff, you should check out the graphic novel series that starts with Steampunk: Manimatron. I have the two books, if anyone wants to borrow them. Unfortunately, the series was never finished, but I think it is still worth the read.

GABE: Haha, I actually have those as well Brandon, they are pretty good. The world is pretty insane but liked the over-all plot, hard as it was to follow at times. All the series I like get canceled...

Well the library is out of both... and has many a hold on both as well, lame.

Other RPG or Non-RPG or Monthly Board Gaming Day gaming Events

GABE: Matt have you read Dungeon yet? I'm curious to see what you think of it.

Matts - It's a pretty inventive and well-told story. Definitely some chuckles to be had, and there's a surprising depth to the various characters. I'd have to say I'm in favor of it.

GABE: Cool, so far everyone I know whose read it likes it, although they've all been nerds or semi-nerds.

Weekly Magic Whining/Complaining/Smack Talking

--Gdaze -- FUCK! Last night I could have stopped that snake from attacking. I deserved the lost though, I had a 6/6 flying trample creature that couldn't be the the target of spells or abilities IN MY HAND.

Edmiao sucka. you still would have lost

--Gdaze -- No way dude, my creature did 11 billion damage. Still I feel really stupid about that. Speaking of which, anyone up for some magic this week before Friday?

--Brandon 15:13, 20 April 2009 (MST) I'm conceivably down for some Magic this week, depending on the day, although (of course) Ben holds all the cards.

--Gdaze -- Oh you are ever so witty. Cool cool, I think I'd like to aim more around Wed. or Thursday... or heck even Friday since we got nothing that day. I've actually ALMOST organized all my cards and have some new decks I'd like to try out.

--Gdaze 14:48, 21 April 2009 (MST) Just seeing if know any days that we may play, yo.

BEN: you guys can get the decks whenever you want, really. I'm busy most nights this week, so daytimes are better, but I can check with Brandon when he will be around if you give me some times.

Next step in Super Heroes

-> 3. Drug dealers and criminals all over the city are getting beat up, and quotes from Oliver Cromwell are left at the scene.

Edmiao guess we missed that plot point entirely?

Matts No worries, if you guys tracked down every spitball I threw up, uh, the game wouldn't be very fun.

Next step in Of Amor, Armor, and Alchemy

Current OAAAA XP: 75 base + 215 XP

Plans to save Danny-Girl from the dragon

Fight the dragon, kill it

Lyra told us where to find the freezing Tears of _____ so we can put out the dragon's breath, right before she extinguished the eternal forge flame in our temple (bitch) by sucking its soul out like a vampire. She will help us fight the dragon. In return we agreed to let her strike the killing blow IF we successfully obtain the Tears. Other allies could also be enlisted in the fight.

Swindle all around

Talk to Grundbad, get him to fight the dragon and kill it. Also, talk to Oryxis, pledge to deliver the ruby shield in return he frees Danny-girl. Dragon dies: Danny free. Grundbad dies, danny free. Win - Win.

Deal with the dragon

Give the dragon something he wants more than Danny. Say the Ruby shield or freeing Iximion.

Dragon vs Dragon

Free Iximion, tell him Oryxis is getting up in his magic shit and doens't he want to kick the shit out of Oryxix for learning magic?