Talk:Mass Effect

Revision as of 18:47, 15 June 2009 by Gdaze (Talk | contribs)

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--Matts 18:21, 8 June 2009 (MST)My guess is that lasers require too much power at an effective level? Maybe they attenuate in atmosphere too much?

Or maybe lasers would have made the video game too little like gears of war, and someone could get fired for that!

--Gdaze 18:50, 8 June 2009 (MST) I thought it might be something like that too, that basically they could only put so much in the game. I don't feel that it will take away from the world too much to include them, along with melee weapons. I mean if your gun is so freaking smart that it can caculate how much of a metal shaving it needs in order to fire it out... and have the energy to do so (it never talks about the guns needing powerpacks, which is a little crazy, or how everything is powered, least I haven't found that) I thought lasers would pretty accetable. Again, less ammo, but with the ability to go through shields.

--Dieter the Bold 11:19, 9 June 2009 (MST) I think it's the magic Element Zero, or whatever. Just run some electricity across it (they never say how much, so obviously a battery pack carries enough juice) and BOOM!, super acceleration (or deceleration). And I figure lasers work because the shields decelerate the actual physical slug/bullet being thrown at it, while lasers are simply super-excited photons or similar particles, which the shield just can't effect. Flamers work 'cause the shields don't keep heat out.

--Gdaze 11:59, 9 June 2009 (MST) Element Zero works by a process that modern scientists call a miracle. I dunno, heat is a huge problem though, if you read about starship combat its all about keeping the crew safe from heat AND the eletric build up of using Element Zero. Or is it just unlimited power?

--Matts 13:38, 9 June 2009 (MST)Jerks of the universe lol. God I hated Executor Pallin. What an ass.

--Dieter the Bold 16:49, 9 June 2009 (MST) I loved how huge a dick he was regardless of what choices you made or how Paragon/Renegade you were.

--Dieter the Bold 13:38, 11 June 2009 (MST) NSP17A-Fizzak ready for duty.

--Matts 23:05, 13 June 2009 (MST)early character concept: Cairn "Blackeye" Falst

BEN: concepts: 1.) indiana jones-esque adept: intellectual adventurer, serious archeologist. 2.) grizzled cop: stereotyped noir cop, with arbitrator armor (probably wouldn't fit with archeologists, so this one probably won't fit). 3.) psyker: guy with psychic powers. 4.) Tech-priest: serious archeologist, inventor, ancient/arcane tech dude. 5.) Fence type scum: faceman and streetwise guy (is this where you are shooting for, Matt...nice one, btw). Happy to throw out more if none of these are useful. Otherwise, I'll take whatever the group might find most useful.

--Gdaze 10:09, 15 June 2009 (MST) Well so far the team has firepower, a tech person, and a psycher. So really, I say play what you think will be fun. The only one perhaps that won't work is cop, however, if you like the cop career path, you don't really need to be a cop, you can name the classes whatever you like for the most part. Go ahead and email me too Ben if you like, we can come up with something.

Matt, that character looks fine. I like that the poetry helps him deal with the implants. I was unable to get my book back this Sunday, but I may just go to the dude's house this week and pick it up.

--Matts 10:38, 15 June 2009 (MST)What are biotic powers going to be like? Basically just the psychic powers in the book? I was figuring I'd stick to psychokenesis or whatever.

BEN: ok, cool: if matt is going the psyker route, I will probably combine some elements of #5 into #1, which was my first choice anyways. The character concept is basically "intellectual adventurer": I'll be giving him some streetwise/social skills if I can get them, and overall he will be a generalist. He's probably a good fit for the "serious archeologist character". I'll look over scum again, but almost certainly the character will be an adept.

BEN: I'd like to take the human "noble born" character background and play an Adept. However, I'd like to be able to develop some streetwise-y skills, and I don't know if that is in Adept class: any chance I could get Peer(underworld) or whatever passes as streetwise added to the list of skills I can BUY (not for free) to fit in with the fact that my character is buying/selling artifacts under the table (I'm assuming I'm the "serious archeologist character" of the group)?

--Dieter the Bold 16:24, 15 June 2009 (MST) I'm thinking you're the only serious one, but Matt might be a serious amateur. I'm trying to create enough hooks in my background that I'm not just the kooky mechanic who flies around with everyone for no good reason. Anyone have any good suggestions / co-background links?

--Matts 16:37, 15 June 2009 (MST)I'm happy to have met you in the underbelly of the Citadel, but let's come up with something more substantial. Early work together under a criminal or not-criminal? A shared goal would be super-nice, and I'm pretty open to goals at this point.

As a general idea, it'd be nice if we'd all worked together for a while as a group, so instead of "you all meet in a bar" it's "you all meet in the dingy headquarters of the company and everyone looks more or less the same as they did yesterday".

--Gdaze 16:47, 15 June 2009 (MST) Yes, all characters need to have a reason WHY they are doing this. And I'd perfer beyound "Eh, its a living." Except Ed's, for him, it really is most likely. Dieter, I think you need to put something in you character's background about why he likes ancient cultures, or why he enjoys this line of work. Matt has a bit of one, he likes their poetry, so maybe wants to know more, while selling what he doesn't need? I leave it up to you all, for the most part. I would HIGHLY suggest you have more then one characrer know about anicent cultures, otherwise many people will not have something to do.

Bold aside, I will look at the books tonight Ben, but most likely I won't let you purchase it off the bat. I'm pretty sure adepts get the ability evetually, or if not, through RP you can buy the skill.