The Company

Revision as of 13:46, 26 June 2009 by Gdaze (Talk | contribs)

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Renisha Vilmont - General operations, keeps things in a general working order while the players are away. Yes she is African American, yes she is sassy, yes she has a B.A. in anthropology, yes she is a bit token.

John Borgan - Front desk employee. He is in charge of answering phones and internet communications. A friendly young man who is just happy to be living on the Citadel.

July Winters - One of the two staff who help clean up any artifacts that come in, or do general maintenance around the place. She is a bit shy, or just doesn't want to talk.

Sam Olson - The other staff member who takes care of general clean up. He is a bit older at 45 and has no real formal training. However, he is a delight to work with and takes all tasks seriously.

Vel - Is in charge of the "night shift", he is usually drunk but also usually doesn't have much work to do. He is also a Turian.

If the characters would like to make up a bit more story with these people, please go ahead and do so.

The Ship

The players are going to have a choice of 3 ships, with slightly different stats. And yes, will have pictures, thank you Matt for showing me, that site and its blog are amazing.