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A young elf at the tender age of 14 was exposed to her first crime while on a walk with her elder twin siblings. A little boy about 5 years in age with jet black hair had snuck on to the back of a carriage and was looting the contents of a trunk secured to the back. Sadly for Caelyn, her innocence was shattered when she witnessed the repercussions. The carriage screeched to a halt, a burly man stormed out, harshly cuffed the boy, and had thrown him to the ground causing the boy to become stunned and winded. After he snatched up the things that were stolen from him, he proceeded to beat the boy and as if to teach him a final lesson, slashed at his face with a knife deep enough to scar down the boy's left cheek. With that, the carriage rambled on down the road with the boy left to his wounds in the dusty street. Caelyn desperately wanted to run down to help the boy, but her brother and sister held her back, chiding to let humans deal with their own problems.


Over the course of 17 years, Caelyn never forgot about the boy and how helpless she felt. When she had reached the age of 31, though her aging had slowed considerably due to her elven nature and did not look a day over 20, she finally had a chance to atone her lack of assistance that haunted her. At the edges of the Loren Forest, a young man with dark hair and a scar down his left cheek was surrounded by Goblinoids. Things were looking dire for him, but Caelyn with her archery expertise was able to save his life by leaping into the fray.

After vanquishing their foes, the man introduced himself as Joshua Blackthorn and Caelyn told him the tale of coming across him several years ago. Joshua then told the elven girl about his sordid past as a teenager. It turned out that the "lesson" the carriage driver taught him had only fueled his anger and caused him to escalate his crimes. It had elevated to the point where he was wanted by the authorities of several towns in the area. When asked why he was in a fight with a bunch of creatures with nothing of worth far away from any town, his deep blue eyes flared in hatred. A few years ago, Joshua had lost his entire family and when an army of goblins, orcs, and beastmen had raided his hometown and burnt it to the ground while he was away, but only after torturing the villagers. Ever since then, he stopped his petty crimes and pledged his life to ridding the world of such creatures. Given that Caelyn had devoted her beliefs to Kurnous the Hunter and his wife Isha, she too followed the stricture of doing everything in her power to force them out of the forest. Given that they had a common goal, the two decided to work together. It was not long before the two fell in love. Unfortunately, destiny was not to remain kind to the young lovers.


Members of Caelyn's family were extremely traditional. After hearing of her working with a human, and a bandit on top of that, they forbade her from ever seeing him again. She tried to explain to them that Joshua had changed his ways and has since devoted to a common cause as the elves, but it fell upon deaf ears. After several months of strife, Caelyn knew that she had just one chance to have her family understand. She was going against traditions, but she was still their daughter and hoped that they would accept her choices. She stood side by side with Joshua and with their hands interlaced, she announced that they were deeply in love. However instead of dissipating the situation, it exploded. Caelyn was disowned by her family and banished from the elven lands. Though heartbroken, she held her head high and with her integrity in tact, left the only home she knew to start a new life.


Caelyn and Joshua had several happy years together. One rainy night in June, however, the couple's lives were shattered. Joshua's past from 12 years ago caught up with him, the authorities from the Empire burst into their home and arrested him. Due to eluding them for so long, he received the harsh sentence of death. Luckily, he managed to escape, but knew that he could not go back to anything he was associated with for he'd be found immediately and went on the run.

Caelyn knew that they would have to spend time apart in order for his safety. 6 years had passed and throughout that time, along with her trusty horse, Fenrir, she continued to secretly search for him all the while taking on odd jobs, following rumors, and continuing to vanquish their shared enemies.