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Lanky and hairless, Wik is first and foremost a survivor. He makes frequent references to his time in the circus as a pit-fighter - from a young age, he fought all manner of animal an man to avoid being tortured by the circus ringleader.

In his view there is nothing more important than survival, and to him survival means confrontation and defeat of any threats that face him. On the fight-or-flight scale, Wik has been trained to think of fighting as his only option. Running away means only regrouping and working for a better strategic advantage.

Wik is naturally curious about the world now that he's free; he has yet to make any real assessment as to his place in it. He is eager to fight at any opportunity - to him, mortal combat is dance, it is expression of the highest sort, and he exults when the stakes are his life with only a blade between him and his enemy.